Coronavirus - Here come the variants

What could possibly go wrong?

Iā€™m fairly sure they canā€™t suspend the constitution

Itā€™s a protected fundamental right.

Myself and @peddlerscross on a big one


Are you drinking with your father?

Sure it has no effect on lizards

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If they donā€™t take the jab :grin:

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Apparently thereā€™s some health act from the 1930s that gives them carte Blanche to do what they like.

Iā€™ve no issue with the Guards defending themselves and I donā€™t blame them for enforcing legislation. But weā€™ve taken a seriously wrong turn somewhere along the road. Freedoms are hard earned and soon lost. Our republic is only a pup in the grand scheme of things. We should be very careful of it


Covid restrictions are more important than freedom though.

Freedom wonā€™t save a misfortunate 88 year old from dying.

We must stop all death god forbid people have to face mortality

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They can limit rights - public order etc but a blanket ban would be disproportionate

Agreed - itā€™s interesting how people are willing to see so many rights taken away - the 5km
limit on travel seems far stricter than anything else in Europe at the moment and seems absolutely arbitrary to me

At least flu was completely eradicated. A huge moment for humanity.

Incredible even you could say.

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Diagnosis of other diseases down too. But people will still die of covid no less

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The Public Health Act 1947

I think itā€™s all quite dubious to be honest. I donā€™t know how well these things have been tested.

I guess Ryanair tester it through Arthur Cox on the restricted list over the summer

Iā€™d be interested to see what the Kaiser thinks now seeing as he has moved to being very much on the OIUTF spectrum since the autumn

Look whos back

MHR has spoken

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@endakenny drinking Rockshoreā€¦

I mean ffsā€¦

The 5km is the one that hurts them. I was chatting to in laws there tonight stateside who were shocked by it.

I donā€™t see how anyone that is vaguely constitutionally minded cannot be concerned by its use. The fact that the noises are that they do not want to remove it as they have this ā€œanticipatory behaviourā€ nonsense in their thinking is very concerning.


Canā€™t say I know anyone who is abiding by this. Old or young.

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Well to be honest, being legally confined to home except for a very narrow set of reasons would be a far more pressing concern for me but here we are :man_shrugging:

Iā€™d be very surprised if any of the fines levied would stand up in court if anyone went far enough to get them properly challenged. But itā€™ll be over by the time that goes through the motions.

It was indicated early on that such things werenā€™t possible under the constitution but it seems itā€™s all gone out window as time has gone on.

GOD and the loons are the only ones whoā€™ve brought it to court so far and from memory they were thrown out on a technicality rather than on a point of law