Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I was at bottle bank yesterday and lots of people wearing masks outdoors. Bonkers.

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Outdoor Saturday market is back. Wonderful scenes.


We’re supposed to wear them outdoors for months

There seems no logic at all to it unless you were really packed closely together.

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Masks don’t make sense to me fullstop.

They’re a cod, unfortunately people just go along with them out of politeness etc,

When will it be rolled back though? Is it going to be a permanent thing, potentially I reckon unfortunately.


Their vaccine programme is miles behind too.

Have Pfizer or anyone promised to vaccinate all athletes and their coaches worldwide? Would be a good way to earn positive publicity.

There’s concern at athletes being seen to be queue jumping amongst the administrators

They will push them every winter. I agree they are a cod and only wear one in places not to be ignorant to staff etc. We had a quarterly review yesterday in worknon teams of all things,nonly questions to management were from wfh folk about people not wearing masks on site as a political statement. Ffs I don’t wear it at my desk same as everyone else. Another wagon piped in that meeting rooms being open and it’s concerning as there was 600 cases on Thurs. We’re in cork where there fuck all. Madness over masks considering we havea business to run

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Its amazing how few cases Cork has had over the last year.

Credit to them for that in fairness. Relatively speaking they’ve had way less than anywhere really with a decent urban population.

Wonder why that is?

The Irish triple mutant.

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A Donegal variant would be a disaster, thing would probably grow a spoiler and go faster stripes and zoom all over the country


The only saving grace is that it would crash - eventually.

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We’re at nothing here until we have our own variant.

Will everyone get two weeks in a hotel then or what’s the story?

We’ll have to keep people in Ireland out of Ireland.

You should stop the “thinking”.

Get out and enjoy the day will you ffs pal, :smile:

There should be plenty of opportunities for you to get a nice photo of a few rushes while you’re at it.

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The bould Gerry Killeen wants the “€2 shops and coffee bars” shut down again.

He is a very strange individual.


Killeen is great value, a class clown.

In fairness to Paul Cullen from the Irish Times he trys to give both sides a platform.