Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Which is neither here nor there really. I havenā€™t looked at Constitutional law in years now but I think the noises are concerning.

The 5km is being maintained right now because they are worried that people will react to any changes and do what they like. Itā€™s not a great use of emergency powers really.


Everyone has the right to protest. Not the right to act the cunt.


Worse than Harris. Hes from cork

Yeah I donā€™t think thereā€™s appetite to test some of them alright

Iā€™m sure we will see Emmett o Brien take this to the high court. He loves his photo in the papers

A 5km limit for such a prolonged period of time is one of the most disproportionate measures Iā€™ve ever seen introduced for anything anywhere


Sure youā€™d be a year before you got to the lower courts. Be a decade before you got further.

Not one journalist has asked for the AGs opinion on it afaik. Be an interesting one


Only a matter of time before NPHET include clearing court backlog to pair with clearing the medical waiting lists before society reopens.

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Agreed, Stephens Green was closed though?

Agent provocateur these were planted imduring the peaceful blm protests in the states to start rioting. When was the last time you saw a skanger in jeans not trying to get into a pub?

When you literally have public health authorities and government saying they donā€™t know when itā€™ll end.

Itā€™s hard to see it standing up in the SC.


It will be important to look back at the likes of Sumption.

If the debate is still how much of a meany he sounded about relative value of a life (which is how all policy is decided) then we are fucked.


Someone is happy with lockdowns!

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Whoever is drinking that piss Rockshore should be baton charged by the Gards on a point of principle.


I saw someone there yesterday saying how great it was that Dublin had no litter because nobody was around and I wondered what a city was supposed to be about.

ā€œI remember that summer in Dublin, and the liffey as it stank no more,
And the young people walking on Grafton street, firing off fireworks at guardsā€

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Studies now showing you are unlikely to get Covid from touching surfaces but should wear eye protection.

Cc. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Itā€™s very hard to know how many of those protesting were

  1. Sane people objecting to loss of liberties
  2. Lads just there for a row
  3. QAnon type headbangers like the below

Iā€™d say anyone who was there for #1 was probably least likely to give an interview or be at the front line of the videos posted. That said, there seems to be an alarming number of people in the second two categories.

I think the concept of just a lockdown with potential reviews in future and no specific direction isnā€™t sustainable. There is plenty of logic behind not signposting lifting restrictions but Iā€™d like to see a firm commitment to a removal of most restrictions after a certain vaccination threshold has been reached and a timeline for removing all of them.