Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Sickening and revolting to see young people out enjoying themselves.

And worst of all singing Abba

Was it that warm for the beach today?

@Lazarus out showing off his guns

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1000’s will die, you only have to look at India a few weeks ago when the same carry was evident. Look at India now. They are burning bodies in the streets. Those selfish young bastards have blood on their hands

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There wouldn’t be half as many hippies or crusties in New Delhi compared to Galway.

They are piling the bodies into Leisureland as we speak


They’re sorry now they opened their pubs

I hope Holohan holds firm, you only have to look at India. Pubs should be kept closed untill next year


What a horrible person.


North Tipp is fucking walking with the cunting Covid.

Is this a gay pride event

young people who wont be harmed if they get the virus in a time when the old and vulnerable are mostly vaccinated

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Some of them appear to have forgotten their masks

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It’s hard to think why this would be.

Yeah, and those who died only had one life to live. You can live your life without packing close together like on a crowded terrace during a pandemic. Most people are reasonable and aren’t going to comment too much as long as others are not completely taking the piss. These eejits today were taking the piss. Stuff like this is what will hold back re-opening more than anything, so I hope they’re happy.

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He didn’t let me down.


Cork city, on Grand Parade and Fitzgerald park, were rammed today also.

Tis either feast or famine with us