Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Sure the OIUTF narrative has veered between ā€œthe Irish are sheepā€, ie. we were obeying restrictions, and ā€œthe Irish are ungovernableā€, ie. we are not obeying restrictions. Thereā€™s never a nuance there.

The reality is only a very small minority of people are taking the piss like those who were dancing in that video. But what they were doing was pure piss taking all the same.

Those who want society to open up as soon as possible are those who should be the most annoyed at them.

Much safer to open up at 70% vaccinated and 50 cases than at 70% vaccinated and 2,000 cases.

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Theyā€™re young people who have had their lives on hold for over a year now. Give them a break. Most of us would have done the same.

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It warmed my heart to see so many young people socializing todayā€¦ I met a group of about 8 and had a beer.


Iā€™m quite reasonable. I havenā€™t commented on the vast majority of people who were at Salthill. Iā€™m commenting on the eejits who were dancing and slabbering all over each other. Hardly a surprise theyā€™re mainly if not all young men, whose public sense of self tends to rely on an outward show of infallibility and invincibility.

Ah would you fuck off. Itā€™s human nature. Young people do what young people do. Slabbering all over each other ffsā€¦ring Joe Duffy on Monday and get it all off your chest.


Heā€™s entitled to his opinion mate.

When it comes to Covid, they are invincible and all their grannies and grandads are vaccinated.




I didnā€™t say he wasnā€™t.

Very aggressive response bro

Great reply. Youā€™re anything but reasonable by the way. Youā€™re the opposite of reasonable actually.

Yeah. Youā€™re definitely the reasonable one.

Jesus, I didnā€™t realise you were so sensitive. Apologies about my crass language.

They are heros of Ireland. Fighting for their right to party. On the 105th anniversary of the rising its fitting. They shall be remembered for the heroic stand taken today.

Party in Gareth. Party in Wayne.

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Young people being videoed and demonised for being outside enjoying the sunshineā€¦this is the society we have become.


Iā€™m not sensitive. Iā€™m just pointing out how laughable it is that youā€™re saying Iā€™m not reasonable while youā€™re telling me to fuck off.

Which I think is a reasonable thing to point out.

No wonder the Brits did so well with informants

If telling you to fuck off makes me unreasonable what does your behaviour in the past make you? I donā€™t think reasonable would be the first thing that would jump to peopleā€™s minds.

They arenā€™t being demonised for enjoying the sunshine. Itā€™s merely being correctly pointed out that grouping tightly together and singing and slabbering all over other people during a pandemic is gobshite behaviour.

Which it is.

Ah, so you donā€™t have an answer. Sound.