Coronavirus - Here come the variants

An answer to what? Did you ask me a question?

Maybe they’re victims of a genocide, or something like that. I believe that’s a favoured line of some of the OIUTF crowd at the moment.

We live in an oppressed nation state once again. People who comply will be viewed along the lines of the supporters of vichy France.

Whats the end goal here. The goalposts have been moved so much. The vulnerable are protected the best we can. Do we stop all life due to risk of death? It’s the one guarantee we have that we will all die. So wait around scared it will happen or love our loves. What has happened in this country for the last 12 months is criminal and a disgrace to anyone who lives here


Fact life is for living

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It’s increasingly hard to know what’s satire and what’s not these days.

I love the line “the goalposts have moved”, such a great cliché. It would be far clearer on your part to just say “I have no understanding whatsoever of the concept of uncertainty and have no intention of trying to understand it.” It amounts to the same thing, it’s just clearer.


1 person in icu in the whole of Cork. Surely county restrictions should be brought in.

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Everything is uncertain, life is never constant.

On goalposts moving I’ll give you a quick run down of Ireland since March 2020

Flatten the curve - 2 weeks
Protect the vulnerable April 2020
3 level plan - to build track and trace
3 level plan extension- to allow schools return
Living woth covid 5 levels. Never below level 3 - we will live with the virus until a vaccine arrives
Track and trace collapses - protect the health service
Circuit breaker nationwide level 5 - for a meaningful Christmas
Track and trace collapses again and it’s January in the Irish health series - level 5
Give us time to build vaccination network - Jan 2021
Variants of concern may not be effective against vaccine.

Everyone one of those points have been proven to be lies. Yet here we are level 5 and the message has always changed. We have achieved the goal from April 2020. We have a vaccine as per September 2020. Despite a shocking start up of vaccine program vulnerable are sorted and we appear to be making progress. Jan 2021 targets.

Track and trace has been a disaster and waste of money.

Am i missing something?


Some going to fit an ICU into a cork.

Living with covid was based on county levels. No reason for cork to have any restrictions

Uncertainty is and was always going to be the result of a “living with Covid” policy. A “living with Covid” policy is what the OIUTFers wanted.

No its a pile of shite. Open the country up fully for those who want to engage. Anyone who is not feeling safe can remain at home. Under the bed if they perfer. It’s down to choice not decree. I can buy a chainsaw and do what I want but I know not to cut my toenails with it. I could if I wanted. Only myself to stop me and only myself to blame.

Are you going to address the goalposts shifting?

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You’re clearly a well rounded, thoughtful individual who has considered all the issues carefully.

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Thanks mate, pushing your opinion on how people should live your live will take you far. People love what way they should live their lives

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I do apologise for oppressing you so badly from behind my keyboard.

Come here and I tell you a question? At what point do you think we should open up?

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Stoic galwegians getting it over and done with and protecting their elderly neighbours. Beautiful.


Imagine…a people so far descended into savagery that they have a bit of a song and a dance on a fine spring day. Elizabeth I wpd turn in her grave

Strange interaction. You came in boots flying and then got all huffy at a roll eyes emoji. You could have made the same point without all the aggression Horsey mate.

These are young people who have missed out on a typical year in the life of that cohort. What I witnessed there is a release of their frustrations. We are at a stage where those most vulnerable have been vaccinated. Let these young people get on with life in the same way we did.