Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Another big day of it planned today lads?

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That’s how you can make the same point reasonably.

Feeling blessed. Happy ANZAC Day guys.


Big crowds at matches. How was that achieved?

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They sold tickets.


That’s great. The OIUTF lads will be delighted. Tickets for Limerick’s first home match of the league must be going for a pretty pound?

I can’t believe you are still peddling this selfish line of reasoning.


Kilkenny with the best case numbers for a while now. Cody must be running the show.

NZ isn’t the only place open mate

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They took the absolute piss.

I’d have no issue if they all lived together but the main issue with infectious diseases is they transmit.
So, potentially ( I hope this doesn’t happen ) if you had a positive case mixed in there then who knows where transmission starts & ends…

It’s as simple as that. They could have had the cans & music & craic but take it some way handy. It was optically bad.

In my day we got hammered but we were some way discreet about it. A bit of self awareness and all that. It was definitely a kick in the rocks for locals trying to play their part.

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If you think it’s selfish fine, I think it’s selfish that lockdown supporters are forcing their belief that we are in this together and stay at home onto people. I want freedom of choice and not force anyone to do something they don’t.

As you have highlighted before personal responsibility


Mate, you’re the one with hundreds of anti lockdown posts. Not me.

Get a grip

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In our day we did not have our lives put on hold for over a year due to a pandemic. Its easy to come and say ‘in our day’. Our day is not their day. Id imagine if it was, we would be doing the same.


The way I look at it is in the majority of cases these are kids. They simply don’t have the cognitive function to be disciplined enough so as to act like the more adult part of society.

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Furthermore it was after from discreet …nightclubs are more or less gone now but back then remember what used to happen when everyone poured onto the streets at one time !

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And you’re the halfwit with hundreds of pro lockdown posts


In the video, there are smaller groups socialising responsibly. The rest were fucking it for those trying to do the right thing.

Optically it looks brutal.

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Mate, you toddle along now into various threads to repeat stale inane posts trying to catch a little :fishing_pole_and_fish:

Jake Gyllenhaal Goodbye GIF by MOODMAN

( I’ll await the “ run away line now :smiley: )

Lockdown supporters are forcing nothing on anyone you loon…

I’m not a lockdown supporter mainly because I haven’t been locked down and neither have you.

For a year now you’ve been pulling your balls screaming about restrictions :laughing:

Look you’ll wait for someone else to come along and say something you don’t have the ability too before sniffing their underpants.


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