Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You keep on repeating the same inane quips :grinning:

Honest question, in the cold light of day this morning do you see that this post is ridiculous and hysterical?

Loads of empty statements from the village idiot. Send out the bat signal for @malarkey and then lick his balls for him.


Keep flailing, excellent exercise

If ever there was an example of someone completely absent of any sort of self awareness then this post comprises. Show me one substantive or intelligent post you have ever made. I dare you.


You dare me? You actually dared someone on the INTERNET?

Ah lads… :smile:

The headline says ‘despite Covid threat’. I was asking how it was done safely.

There it is - some lack of self awareness.

Can you actually substantiate anything you post? Can you please offer something of substance or intelligence. Is that beyond you?

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He laughed when you said India was done with Covid.

Our elected officials “will fight for garden visitors”. Aren’t we blessed to have such decisive leaders.

Inane quips he said.

mouse wheel GIF

That cunt Holohan again.

Any bit of optimism and he shoots it down straight away.

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Looking forward to being the only country in Europe not able to eat/drink indoors in the next month or so

FYI as you don’t seem to understand what you are saying.

Cases in Texas are going down


Nothing hysterical about it. The levels of government intervention into daily life is unprecedented and unnecessary. On the basis to achieve unrealistic goals of suppression of an airborne disease that in extremely rare cases affect healthy people.

The request was protect the vulnerable that’s achieved. Nphet, ffg, zero covid supporters changing as the wind blows as to what is the target. Anyone who supports thus is complicate to ruining the country and peoples lives within. All based on terrible and subjective interpretation of data


Covid threat will always be there. Same as HIV/TB/influenza. Mate you will die someday so stop worrying that something will kill you. A freak accident or disease will do that in a few decades

The wisest man on the forum