Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You’re posting the daily mail? Come on now.

Oh would you ever cop on to yourself.

Every other European country has gone through what we have to greater or lesser degrees. Many currently have far heavier restrictions in place. You’re carrying on like this is a great injustice committed against you and only you.

If over a year later you’re still trying to argue that the pandemic is not dangerous then you’re just an idiot.

I think we’ve had many more restrictions than necessary at various stages, but your Vichy France nonsense is just that, it’s ridiculous and it’s tiresome. Seriously, grow up.

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Lots of places. Check it out. Curfews are common. There’s lads here would shit themselves with apoplexy if we had a curfew.

No pubs or hotels till July/August.


I’m not too much at risk so am not overly worried about how it will impact me. My worry is for the people that are at risk. Therein lies the difference between you and me. You think 90 people dying of Covid in one day in Ireland is no big deal. I do.

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I just caught that on the radio there… July before pubs and hotels open.

How’s the bubble?

Right. Back in the day “ah would you fuck off” would have been seen as a fairly harmless way of telling someone you thought they were talking shit. Obviously it is something different now as both you and your hero have taken grave offence to it so I withdraw that remark and apologise to you both.


Jesus horsey would you just calm your tits a small bit.


Sad to see @Horsebox resort to this kind of language. I’m still shook after reading it

He’s embarrassing himself.

Don’t judge him too harshly, he wasn’t always like this.

He’s fallen foul of the LIDTF crew who spend all day name calling and playing the man rather than the ball but pull the shutters up when someone says boo to them


Much like the aviation industry, the Government ignoring an issue because they know the real leaders of the country in NPHET don’t want it

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Who would that be now?

If you have to ask

Leinster Leinster Leinster