Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Nope. Covid spike, Covid fizzles out. Lockdowns don’t really play much of a role in preventing that. Will you again insist on comparing NZ with the rest of the world and only comparing Sweden with Norway, Finland and Denmark.

429 / 1

350k cases in India in a day. Coveney: we might chuck India on the quarantine list “in the next 48 hours or so”. I nearly crashed the car when I heard that.

There isn’t the same urgency to get them on as there was with Andorra, for obvious reasons.

I presume ye are shooting Andorrans on sight in DUB at this stage.

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We’d run out of bullets. Flooded with the fuckers we are


Just following orders of course.

As a civil servant you’ll understand that part of the deal is that you do what the government want, regardless of whether you like it or not

I’ve never done anything I believe is fundamentally wrong and like to think I never will.

But if Kaiser Donnelly says you must drag people off to be imprisoned you click your heels and salute.

Donnelly has yet to mandate any salute.

Technically they are being bussed to comfortable hotel rooms.

You want Ashutosh safely holed up in Bangalore. Don’t be giving him notions of coming over.

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The Covid numbers rising hasn’t stopped the IPL yet…

I fancy a tandoori and some basmati rice tomorrow

Is India a big place lads?

So big they estimated that they have a bigger population than China but have no way of verify it due to the vast people in poverty

A shin to the skull of hospital staff

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Samantha should stick to her dance routines

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So you were guessing and guessed wrong.

Yes and you’re the slow learner who hasn’t grasped it 12 months later.