Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I’m clever enough not to be making wildly inaccurate predictions like ‘done with covid’

I think events in India will put paid to the summer

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Who are you referring to “Done with Covid”. You’re not clever enough to not make wildly inaccurate comparisons to country’s different handling of the virus.

Why would India make a difference to Ireland?

It’s ok to be wrong. You’re not expected to know anything about it.

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Are they allowing free travel into their country or are there any restrictions?

Bigger than mosht, shmaller than a few.

They are allowing you outside without a mask now anyways.

Has anyone heard much talk of gyms reopening? I havent heard much talk about it and there doesn’t seem to be a huge focus on it. They are open this Friday in the north.

You can forget about the gyms.


We don’t want to be in a position of having to close the gyms so we’re not going to open them.



Sure aren’t you getting plenty of exercise dragging people off to the gulag?


They were being lumped in with personal services anyway which are to be “looked at” for May. I’d say last week of May for these to be opened.

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Have you flogged that horse to death yet?

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Open Friday in the north

I’d expect us to be at least a month behind them given the difference in the vaccination numbers.

I enjoyed a bit of outdoor tennis this morning. Safety first though, the domed courts are still closed because we could have a superspreader event.


Hes as humourless as he is spineless

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