Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Weā€™re in the middle of the pandemic. There are more important things to worry about than people getting fit and healthy

Just back from 5km jaunt. Have lost a stone and a half since Covid started. There are some great achievements being met on the TFK running thread, none more so than @Bandage.


Audry in #3 and Jennifer in #6 have separately told me Iā€™m looking fantastic.


Good stuff Mike. If any positive comes out of covidcis people realise how important bring healthy is


Iā€™ve had several compliments recently about how well Iā€™m looking ā€¦with no effort whatsoever.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it

Yeah but you looked good before Covid so that doesnā€™t count.

Itā€™s impossible to be fit and healthy without spending a load of money on gym membership. Before gyms, there were no fit and healthy people.

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Well done bud :+1::+1:

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Home workouts mate. Free and work if you put in the effort.

You can get fit for free? Surely not!

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You gas cunt :smile:

Another positive Iā€™ve noticed is the wildlife. My garden ( Iā€™ve not been cutting my grass much lately, bees loving the dandelions cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ) is alive with wildlife.
Birds of all degree harvesting flies and as fat as fools too.

As regards peopleā€™s health. The amount of people back out walking, running & cycling is great to see. I know thereā€™s fuck all else to do but isnā€™t it great to see it.

Hopefully when the niceties of modern living return people donā€™t forget the beauty of the slow down in living and keeping active.


Iā€™m pushing the mother to have a bee friendly garden (avoiding cutting the fucking thing tbh)

It is great to see people getting the benefit of health fitness and the outdoors. We are lucky to have a great country to be outdoors especially with the good weather. Ideal climate to be out all day

Iā€™m still giving it a slight topping to keep it tidy but not enough to take out the flowers booming up.

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Aw shucks. Brand new by the way, as begbie would say

CƩad mƭle fƔilte


Anyone who thinks this is ok should just get fucked. Itā€™s shameful.


This walking, running and cycling is no substitute for people spending several hundred euro on gym memberships they donā€™t use.


We have turned into a right nasty little nation

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