Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Could we not do both ?

Lockdown merchants like @Cheasty will use any means necessary to justify lockdowns.

Walking is better than gyms
Zoom parties are better than nightclubs


I think thereā€™s advantages to the current situation. Before, lots of people willingly paid over money for something they didnā€™t use, so they had nothing to moan about. Now, because gyms are closed and memberships are paused, to resume when gyms open again, they are denied the privilege of seeing that membership ebb away without it ever being used. That makes people angry. But that anger could actually be saving peopleā€™s health, as anger increases blood flow, thus improving peopleā€™s health even as they sit around angrily scoffing large bars of chocolate as a coping mechanism.

What about people who pay for gyms and use them?

It isnā€™t news anymore. No one cares.

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Well theyā€™re not paying at the moment, are they?

I pay for my gym still. They offer online classes and are a small business I feel worth supporting so they will continue to exist after all this.

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Thatā€™s very sad. I didnā€™t see my father for 22 days when he was in hospital. Should I have been allowed in?

Yes. Of course you should have.


Youā€™re both right. It is a poor and shameful reflection on us as a country.

But what if I had Covid, as would have been very possible in late December and the first half of January?

Why should I have been allowed possibly spread Covid in the hospital?

Despite my personal heartache at not being able to see my father for those 22 days, the decision made eminent sense.

Clearly you donā€™t take the concept of keeping Covid out of hospital seriously.

Iā€™ve invested in the home gym will never have to pay it again

My understanding is people are allowed visit when a patient is critical or end of life. We were.

Yes, so was I, but only in the last 36 hours. For the previous 22 days we were not allowed in.

I think thatā€™s reasonable in the circumstances.

A lot of them want to pay for it so they can work out and be healthy but I see the line youā€™re taking now so Iā€™ll bow out. Shitty situation for you to have been in and an unfortunate consequence of the restrictions that were enforced.

Iā€™m not sure itā€™s reasonable but itā€™s understandable.

Sorry for your loss. I know you did a good job as a son.


You can also work out and be healthy and not pay for the privilege.

Surely the gyms will be massively down on membership when they reopen?

I had a deal done to buy a house. Would have had a garage that I could have turned into a gym. Then we entered level 5 and the whole thing was put on hold.

5 months of rent paid later and Iā€™m still on hold.

You forgot to mention the ceiling collapsing.