Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Headbangers leading these things suit the goverment as it sends the message if you protest your in it together with these headers. It’ll be impossible to organise anything without this crowd tagging along

Danny dyer and his programmes have created a lot of these characters that showed up yesterday …little bardellers up the front giving it big licks to the cops and then when it comes to throwing down they couldn’t fight sleep…

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Ah grand. Just thought you felt strongly about it but obviously not.

I took an awful beating off the pigs yesterday.

Good to know that’s your threshold for feeling strongly about something. Noted.

Spotted on my trip to Tesco…

Feeling strongly about something on the internet and feeling strongly about it in reality. Got it.

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If you feel strongly about something go out and fight a guard. Got it.

Of course it was only headbangers protesting yesterday. All the others wouldn’t leave the comfort of the internet to go protest.


Of course it’s only headbangers protesting.

Every normal member of society sees that we are in a pandemic and that restrictions on normal life are needed. People differ on the degree to which they can or should be dialled up or down a small bit but I don’t think many disgree with the basic premise that restrictions are needed. Anyone with half a brain can also see that the worst of it is behind and the end is in sight and so it would be even more ridiculous to take to the streets now.

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Its a small percentage of headbangers. I would go if I knew it was going to be peaceful. I want nothing to do with some of that carry on yesterday.

The issue is the end is in sight but the experts and government are talking about years of restrictions, no targets for getting out of level 5 etc. Yet we see other countries getting on successfully with the vaccine program while we are still told your in this for a long time

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Is that an issue worry taking to the streets in the height of a pandemic for? No.

Dunno is it a good or a bad thing you’ve never cared enough about something to go out and protest.


Wrong. The government have imposed the restrictions,

And we are in a global pandemic. The fact that we are a year in has absolutely no relevance.


I think it is, 12 months of madness and mistruths, fact is we have 25% unemployment, people want to work and open their business, people want to socialise and have a normal life. For what we know now is a relatively low harm virus. The at risk groups for death and severe illness will be vaccinated in the coming weeks. Why should we not demand to open up?
When open if someone is worried they can stay at home, avoid others until they feel safe to do so. But why keep everyone in that boat rather than leaving it be a choice. People know the risks with covid and it’ll be personal responsibility.
Yet we are hearing we will keep restrictions until hospital waiting lists drop, even after vaccination.
Goalposts have been moved several times from flattening the curve, giving 6 weeks to build track and trace to rebuilding track and trace to suck up 6 weeks for meaningful Christmas to drive numbers down and we will roll out the vaccine to vulnerable to everyone vaccinated to everyone vaccinated and waiting lists to be decreased.

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If they cared or believed enough they’d have went out and protested. They don’t share your belief that it’s a pandemic cos ‘it only kills a few auld lads who were at death’s door anyway’.

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That’s a mad post.

What’s low risk about the virus? Have you completely forgotten the scenes in Italy and New York and Spain? Honestly? That’s absolutely mental if you have. How many died her in January can you recall?

Also, we are talking about protesting now. Not in a few months time when the vulnerable have been vaccinated. If you think it’s justified to protest then, then do so. But not now.

You’re losing the run of yourself.

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