Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Iā€™m awfully sorry for you and anyone else in that situation. I honestly canā€™t imagine what it would be like.

On the gyms situation, I firmly believe that they do more good than harm. They are predominantly frequented by young, healthy people who, especially now with over a million people vaccinated, are at very little risk from the virus, or doing damage to others with it.


Is it just hearsay to say a good amount of gyms dotted about the Country are generally run by people laundering money?

Iā€™ve heard of a number of them ( privately run now as opposed to franchises tbf ) that have been used as money laundering hubs and that all sorts of goodies could be purchased or sourced there.

I donā€™t use gyms or have personal experience.

Iā€™ve no idea. Iā€™d imagine theyā€™d be a good business to do so. Potential to have a lot of members but not many on site.

I like gyms. Iā€™m a big fella whoā€™s never enjoyed running. Iā€™m also reasonably strong and enjoy lifting weights.

Would you not just make a home gym in the shed out the back of the half acre you have?


Some dose, pain in the hole hopefully you can get in. Done deal and fb marketplace is great to pick up stuff. Iā€™m getting one or two things a month. Got 40kg dbs today. Close to a full set of hex head commercial ones now. Will have some set up when I end up buying my own place

Iā€™ve an old set up in the home house but Iā€™m not down there that often (too busy dragging people to a gulag cc @glasagusban )

Iā€™ve no space where I am now


Cash money wouldnā€™t be surprised. Some people do need the gym for social interaction etc. Not myself but I understand why.

I reckon itā€™s a very shady industry.

Unfortunately, The glory days of young people going for 5 pints 4 nights a week to meet people are gone The gym is a great place to make friends and partners for many.

Young people also have a big interest in S&C type conditioning largely based off instagram and stuff.

No point in people dissing the different things people miss in lockdown.


This is the fella bitching about having a sore arm after getting a little jab.

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Youā€™d imagine hardcore gym users would be used to it.

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Seems like one of those nuanced situations where everything is not black and white and canā€™t be solved with a sledgehammer. I remember those used to exist alright.

Incredibly fits the bill really for the criminal types. Plenty of good people too.

I havenā€™t cut the lawn yet this year. Iā€™ll give it a gentle topping at the weekend. The Mrs a few years ago told me not to cut it until the start of May to give our bee pals a chance and Iā€™m happy to oblige


115 people dying per hour in India ā€” true number is likely higher, experts say

Sent via @updayUK

On average 25k deaths occur there every day.


I donā€™t think so - people like to go to a gym to pose , others go to look at bodies , others go for social reasons

All their numbers are going to be ridiculous in comparison.

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