Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Thats my Taoiseach.

Leo gets carried away at times through his arrogance but he’s by far the best of what’s there between FFG


What’s with the sneering at bees?

Did you watch the video? It’s about standing up for the fucking bee-as.

You’re bee-ing a bollix.

What show is that?

Bachelor’s Walk with the excellent (in it) Simon Delaney.


I watched a few episodes on tv a while back. You’d forget what Dublin was like even then.

Steps of Rome.

Flattened now.

Mulligans was painted green. Shut now for over a year.


And? In comparison with what?

In comparison to the the rest of the world bar China. Your 100 deaths an hour scare mongering article is typical, you are the George Lee of the forum. Stay inside working on miniature trains or whatever creeps like you get off on.


KANGO KANGO, confidently stupid, constantly sea sick BLAH BLAH BLAH. Save it BTW.


The beginning of the end was Daxx cafe being replaced by that shitehouse the Ivy…

India has 280 times the population of Ireland so that rate is the equivalent of 10 daily Covid deaths in Ireland.

They are in a bad situation over there but countries who have endured draconian lockdowns have been as bad relatively.

So I think your sensationalism needs to be called out.


The India situation goes to show how innumerate the media and general public and how reactionary politicians are.


That’s very tough on her friends and family but you’ll find it’s a very subjective example.

This is also an alternative story and also very subjective.

Indias daily average of death figures are close to our yearly average of the same. But langer Dan just ignores the context and doesn’t see why comparison is necessary when he throws in an article about 100s of hourly deaths.

He’s definitely attempting to deceive and misinform here.

There’s no doubt it’s a very serious situation over in India at present and nobody will deny that but they are not unique in that and countries who have pursued draconian lockdowns to limited restrictions have fared relatively similarly in that regard.