Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I think the argument is that the indian lads should content themselves with staying at home and spending their PUP on goodies from Amazon

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Fuck off, you moron.

Another flotation device merchant.

Always wear heavy boots, you. Otherwise you will float off into the sky, like a child’s balloon.

The vaccines seem to be working everywhere and variants be damned

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cc @Lazarus

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:rofl: :rofl: Poor auld @gaillimhmick sent home with his tae in his mug

Yere turning on each other again I see. No wonder ye nearly fucking killed poor Joe a few years back

A subjective study of 500 parents. Even the headline writer concedes it’s worth the sweet sum of fuck all.


And if you’re going to call lads flotation devices you need to come into the pool without your armbands and defend the shite you link to.


Our resident George Lee wannabe is working very hard tonight.



You are some metaphor-mangling gom.

Facts do not need to be defended – and certainly not to The Goatee Appreciation Society on tour.

If anybody doubts long Covid exists I have two words for them: Sadio ManĂŠ.

Point proven

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It’s not a fact. It’s a study of 500 parents saying their kids are tired after Covid. And rain is wet.

You’re like a Pound Shop George Lee.


Just need to shorten that and it’ll stick. Malark-lee?


Ed Rooksby, a perfectly healthy 45 year old, writes of his experience with long Covid. He died of it two months later.

Ah well. Even so, even if so, and as much as I dislike the likes of George Lee, tis a million times better than being a pound shop Eddie Hobbs.

As Unsteady Eddie’s Sex Pistols-loving investors could chorus: “Ever feel you’ve been cheated?”