Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Fair enough, Mar-loony.

Delightful eloquence, a true wordsmith.

Thankee, thankee.

Actually, I am such a wordsmith that I am writing the libretto for an opera to be dedicated to you: Madame Bluebottle.

That lassie is a total nut, a pure bunny boiler, a zealot, a true believer and a bin lid.


Well, if so, she has no end of swipes.

She’s been caught out spreading misinformation about vaccines already. A dangerous lady.

Dime bar? Dime? Bar?

Why do you get so angry and abusive? It’s ok to be wrong. Admit it and you might it find liberating. Otherwise, your current spiral of negativity will be very damaging to your health. A topic you pretend to know a lot about.

Being brilliant at flyting – google it – is very far from being abusive. But you have terrible narrow corridors of thought.

Nor am I angry, in the slightest. I am listening to Niney The Observer’s wondrous Sledgehammer Dub, after a nice dinner, and drinking a pleasant glass of wine, and thinking of my parents, who had their second vaccination shot at 5pm this evening, and finishing off a piece I have to write on Cork hurling. All is good, more or less.

Basically, I am not a nihilist with self confident stupidity for a flotation device. Being extremely smart is merely a bonus.

You are desperately predictable and boring.

tenor (10)

Took an awful lot of typing to produce six words…

Ten years’ time, there will be lads here saying ‘Do you remember him going on about personality alibis?’ and ‘Do you remember him telling yer man he’d float off like a balloon for being so stupid?’

No one remembers, or will ever remember, a word you type, even of a yesterday.

And that’s ok. My legacy in life will be far more meaningful than a drunken rant on an anonymous forum. I really pity you.

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You’re quite certain that the long Covid is a cod?

I have a good acquaintance, female, a doctor and a good runner, she’s been fucked since long before Christmas, has been working away but says she’s wiped out all the time, used to regularly bang out 20k at the weekend and says she finds it hard to do 5 now, nothing wrong with her, she’s been tested.
But she had Covid and reckons that’s it, maybe a coincidence but the long Covid is getting serious ridicule here?


Nobody knows or will know for years.

For anybody to be saying Hey or Nay in relation to Long Covid is a complete waste of time.


Pity me away. At least I am contributing, however belatedly, to your emotional education.

You and pity is probably like Liz Hurley and underwear. A little goes a long way, at whatever age.

Lots of viruses make people tired. I had glandular fever when young. Takes a while to
Get over. Nobody calls it Long Glandular Fever.

I’ve an issue with the nomenclature which is designed to spread fear.


Nail. head. Bang bang…

A small bit of advice, pack in the booze before it’s too late. It doesn’t suit you.

If the whole world was talking about glandular fever is it likely we’d speak of long glandular fever?

Everything seems to be ‘scaremongering’ these days :man_shrugging: