Coronavirus - Here come the variants

No, that’s nonsense. Just because he doesn’t agree with lockdown doesn’t mean he has to join a far right group of headbangers protesting. That’s your logic and it’s stupid.


Very low risk for u40s as backed up by the data.


It kills roughly 0.3% who get it. Majority of deaths are over 75 or already severely ill. Now a virus to be worried about is something that kills irrespective of age or prior health. Every year flu kills many of the same, is this more severe than the average flu yes, is it significantly enough to shit down the world no.

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What’s low risk is that the death rate for under 50s who test positive is only about 1 is 300 or so.

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The liberal woke lads are very intolerant. Yet they believe a protest about government and police action in a country on a different continent is a protest worth having during a pandemic.

The essence of a democracy is that you can disagree with peoples opinions but they have a right to express them.

There’s a lot of very angry marginalised people out there. Lots of women at that March yesterday too.

it’s easy for lads getting pay increases during a lockdown to portray them as poor unfortunates who don’t know why they are angry.

Yesterday’s protesters’ position is hard to defend intellectually but no more so than PBP or Social Democrats calls for Zero Covid.


I thought that 0.3% figure was for under 50s? @Tim_Riggins please advise.

Anyway @glasagusban whether it’s 0.3% for under 50s or 0.3% for everyone and an even lower percentage for under 50s I personally have no fears for my individual safety from the virus whatsoever. Everything I’m doing is just for the good of other people but there’s a limit as to how far I’m prepared to go for that.


@glasagusban @mikehunt if the country went OIUTF tomorrow would you go out or would you stay at home and act you currently do under the restrictions?

His beliefs, according to you, are the same as those from the far right. If he believed strongly about lockdown he should have went and protested. Apart from a few posts on the internet it doesn’t seem he’s that bothered.

What about people who haven’t got pay rises and think yesterday was idiotic? It doesn’t always have to be about the have and the have nots …

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It may well be idiotic but in a democracy people have the right to peacefully assemble for an idiotic reason.

If not, we’d break up a lot religious ceremonies as religion is not supported by science.

There’s a couple of points in this

  • are all protests during a global pandemic silly and ill-advised

  • are protests only allowed where they satisfy a certain arbitrary threshold that woke middle class people determine to be an acceptable reason to protest


I’m all for OIUTF once it’s safe to do so. I’m happy for the experts to decide when it’s safe, not a few mentallers who are desperate to get away from unhappy relationships at home.


So exactly I go against the offical narrative so I am far right well done lads point proven. Nothing to do with how I have voted historically and in the referendums of late?
Imagine opposing a government decision to lock everyone down, enforce a police state and interfer in everyone’s lives is classed as far right.


So if we opened tomorrow as is would you continue to stay at home?

I’ll leave it up to you to decide on that.

The point I’m making is that there’s plenty in the same situation as them who don’t agree with yesterday as opposed to just people who get pay increases…its really not a case of let them eat cake …

I think a lot of people in Ireland won’t ever protest. Particularly on an edgy issue as it attracts lads with other agendas.

We’ll probably see more protests when this is all over and tax and austerity hit the squeezed middle classes in their wallets.

We’ve had one of the strictest lockdowns globally. The 5km limit on travel is particularly arbitrary and offensive, not backed by any science and I don’t think exists at the moment anywhere in western world. This is at a time when the curve is flattened.

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Pre lockdown if Walk by Kildare street and every second day you’ll see a protest outside the dail…unfortunately a lot of the bigger ones have become a vehicle for thuggery …

Youre middle class though and I presume your pocket hasn’t been hit too badly. What makes you different?

All the signs are that the government will want to stimulate the economy, not contract it.

I don’t like the apparatus of the State being used to bully people. It’s not a fair battle.

They try and do it to street protesters. They try and do it to cervical cancer victims. They do it to abuse sufferers and people were adopted. They do it to people with special needs.

It’s important that people who can and who have a voice sometimes be on the side of the underdog.