Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Fucked if I know either bro.

Ewan MacKenna only Irish journalist to call out the covid farce.

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Strangely enough those countries are the ones branded as extremist by a lot of people here.

A perfect stormā€¦

Iā€™m not an expert but that is correct.

ā€œInfluenza is a common cause of pneumonia , especially among younger children, the elderly, pregnant women, or those with certain chronic health conditions or who live in a nursing home. Most cases of flu never lead to pneumonia, but those that do tend to be more severe and deadlyā€

I donā€™t accept that

How could any countries news feed not be dominated by Covid, what countries are you referring to til I browse their newspapers

It can also be self fulfilling like all the people who experienced severe fatigue after a saline shot.

Nocebo effects are as real as placebo effects.

For now Long Covid is a media anecdote. We donā€™t know if itā€™s real or not

Remember yuppie flu?


The kite flying about vaccine passports and green certs etc. Seems to be getting the rollback thankfully on the basis of civil liberties. Basically what a few posters have mentioned here for months

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Weā€™ll need certs for travel. No private business will enforce them domestically.

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Iā€™d say its as much because theyā€™d be completely incapable of rolling it out, enforcing it or monitoring it

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It must be great to be Qewan all the same. Down a load of cans, gather up a rake of denier cliches, and churn out a badly written 3,500 word piece nobody reads properly, but which attracts a load of donations from gullible eejits, enough to keep him in cans for the next badly written 3,500 word piece nobody will read properly.

Gary Dempsey must feel like a fool because nobody donates to him.


That article is almost positive

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They ridicule everything Covid related. The denial is really bizarre.

Iā€™m sure they can use the covid tracking app. It has over a million downloads after all

Thatā€™s not fair. Youā€™re ridiculing people on this forum. How dare you. These people are the real experts. We are incredibly lucky to have them exposing the fraud of the overwhelming body of scientific opinion. Where else would you get it?

Remember the American diplomats attacked by a " sonic wave" weapon in Cubaā€¦ Turns out the only real plausible explanation is mass hysteria. Thereā€™s countless examples of it happening elsewhere. Thereā€™s nowt as queer as folk. This is a good read


He didnā€™t say long covid is a cod, but is there any indication it has a higher incidence than delayed recovery from other viruses?

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Long Covid is a thing, itā€™s just not well defined or well understood. Itā€™s not even understood whether itā€™s a lasting reaction to the virus or from the immune reaction to the virus. If itā€™s the latter, it raises the question whether people who are vaccinated will also suffer from similar symptoms, as the immune reaction is similar.

I knew you would come around.