Coronavirus - Here come the variants

It would be a little ironic if the vaccinated got long Covid.


Stupid opinions move in packs. It’s shite being continually proved right about people for bad reasons, it really is.

Has tough guy Joe refused the jab himself I wonder?

Thou shalt never question joe rogan. Blasphemy.

Jesus can you imagine trying to find the details of Ramesh’s removal on


That bout of glandular fever was really only a side effect of Long 2013-All-Ireland-Semi-Final.

I don’t know, but I suspect that that is the thinking alright.
I’m sure I could find hundreds of posts on the forum saying directly or strongly implying that long Covid is a cod,
Now it turns out that it’s only the name and he fact that it is mentioned occasionally in the media that is a cod?

The alternative is to allow people to believe that they have other health problems not related to Covid,
I don’t believe that it’s general knowledge that a virus can linger for a long time and lead to long term lethargy, I didn’t realise that myself.
I don’t see the harm of putting a name on it when the whole world speaks of little but Covid

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Do people seriously give Ewan money for articles?

No. I think they give him money for making the usual suspects hop like sausages…the odd time

Fixed mate

Lots of links to reports on here but iv not seen any mention of this one. I think in the spirit of the earlier posts I’m now to state that everyone in the LIDTF camp supports the harming of young kids and trebling the risk of them having mental health issues in later life.


Very cuntish comment :laughing:


Repercussions of Brexit already being realised. They’ll blame Covid though.

They couldn’t care less. The LIDTF brigade are very selfish and self-serving.


ill field this
Yes - I am here for the last few weeks, entry to citizens is allowed as long as you have a negative test or are vaccinated ,- we fall into the former- entry to non citizens is still tricky and you’d need to go to a governemnt paid for quarantine hotel which is a hellohole or have a letter from the indistry of trade to say that you are on essential business and your company is renting an appt for you that will be visited daily by the police to ensure you are there,
i was at beer sheva and mac haifa on monday and stadium was 50% full, grounds should be full capacity next week,
its like nothing ever happened except nobody really goes to work anymore

ill fill ye in when i get back


The negative effects the last year has had on some children’s education is something we will be dealing with for decades to come. I don’t think we fully appreciate it yet, but I have feeling we will be looking back in a number of years a pointing to this period and saying this is where things went off the rails for some kids and they never recovered. Some kids just aren’t cut out for remote learning and need more personal instruction. Like a bike race, once that gap opens, it’s very hard to close it, and the peloton rides away from you.


I don’t think that’s it to be fair, more that many of the LIDTF crew can only think in a fairly basic, linear way.

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Outdoor bars and restaurants open here from 15th May. Indoors from 29th May. All retail back next week. No need to wear masks anywhere after May 15th. Kids going to hybrid schooling from mid May and fully back to classes from May 29th.