Coronavirus - Here come the variants

He did it succinctly enough there already.

Why are you trying to silence the debate again?

You are way out of you emoji depth, “truth be told”

Must book Kerry fast

Ok lads.

We’re done here.

Time to start being a bit nicer and get back to the land of the living.

I’m not getting my hair cut.


Tony Holohan appears to have jumped sides at a pivotal moment. He’s gone full OIUTF.

More personal responsibility.
More positivity.
More Diddy wanks.

There won’t be any club games in July. If there was there would be at least 200 at them

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If that all goes ahead it would be a very pleasant surprise

Tony Tony Tony

Donnelly for taoiseach

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Woah the pony ffs.

The zero covid crowd will be absolutely seething


Tony was in a good mood today apparently according to the gossip merchants. Obviously anticipating another Limerick All-Ireland.

Glynn’s hidden hand the key factor here

All 50 of them?

Tony giveth and Tony taketh away. All hail our glorious leader

There wont be any at them from October either.

Israel have saved humanity cc @myboyblue

There will be club games in July