Coronavirus - Here come the variants

You are a fool if you don’t believe NPHET are calling the shots here.

From today’s Sindo (fell off a truck and landed on a coffee table etc)

“Horan’s successor, Larry McCarthy, said the GAA will urge the government to lift the ban on children playing football and hurling once schools have safely reopened. In his first address, the Cork native said the lifting of the restriction would have a threefold effect.

“It will get our children engaged in organised physical activity with their friends, it will allow the parents a slight relief from the stress of the pandemic, and it will bring fun back into many people’s lives,” said McCarthy.

Horan had earlier said the issue had been raised with the Minister for Sport on several occasions. “But we’re being pushed back by recommendations coming from NPHET, unfortunately,” he said.


Only far right headbangers are against the government restrictions. That’s been proved now.


Need more zen

From my readings of this forum over the past few years you were never really the ‘on the side of the underdog’ type though? Maybe I have you wrong now and don’t ask me to prove it but I always had you as more of an establishment type of chap

Big business and neoliberalism are his two favourite things in the world.


Not talking specifically about TUM here but comfortable middle class fellas talking constantly about the mental health of others and how they worry about how the lockdown is affecting poor people seems to me to be very ‘woke’ and ‘virtue signalling’ behaviour.


I expect children’s sport will be back with the next review. No question that NPHET have more influence now since they were overruled in December. But I believe there’s a strong push to get kids’ sport back and I think it will be.

Should have been back since the start of February though.

It’s tough on the kids.

Once again, you are the tosser who thinks it ok to make fun of a man murdered by police by posting a “funny” picture of him being killed.

You’re full of shit.

Go fuck yourself.


Calm down princess.


You’re unravelling. Its alright we are in this together

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If shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs were open then I’d be in them. If I were as anti lockdown as some of you pretend I’d have been at that protest yesterday.

I didn’t say you were far right. @glasagusban says your beliefs are far right.

You’re becoming the Stephen Donnelly of the forum pal…jumping sides…

Where did I say that?

The Minister for Justice and the Garda Commissioner are concerned about the violent “Far Left” groups intent on causing trouble yesterday.

Can someone link to this?

Yeah I think at least with the schools but hopefully won’t be long following.

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“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”

—F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Would be terrible if we had bad actors over here like the radical left Democrats in the US.