Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Sounds perfectly reasonable

The problem in Ireland is that for years we have allowed these ‘Alt Left’ groups to prosper. Media groups have seemed afraid to clamp down on their hate speech.

Fortunately the Department of Justice and Gardai are starting to take action against these people.

Went for a spin with a few lads today. Climb up to Lanckorona, lovely part of the country. The lads said “we’ll stop for a coffee”. “Are they open sez I”. Went around the corner to the cafe. Place is open. Lads sitting outside drinking bottles of Lomza and Strongbow at half ten. We had a coffee and a shot of vodka and were on our way.


That Lomza is only piss


There’s lads sitting out on the boardwalk on the quays in Dublin right now drinking Linden Village. Lockdown is done

The army trucks will need to be mobilised in a fortnight, to remove all the dead from the hospitals after this.

We’re making progress …now apply that to the actions of a Garda unit that has a firework aimed at their faces …

You said anyone at yesterday’s protest was a far right headbanger.

They can arrest and detain the perpetrator.

They can’t dispense summary justice to annoying bystanders.

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Thatll be your choice so why not open up and leave people have that choice no one will force you to come out of your home in public but at the moment cafes bars most retail are all shut to prevent people having a choice.

Some great progress to normality this weekend.

The shebeen was back open fully and doing a roaring trade. I have heard of another in the neighbouring parish.

Drove past the local Astro and saw roughly 20 young lads playing a game of soccer.

It’s ending.


So one of my views is far right? Allowimg a government to have total power over my day and opposing this is a far right view is ridiculous. @glasagusban i would agree that the anti mask anti vax element is far right and absolute stupidity. I completely this agree with these morons. Everyone should get the vaccine and I want it out to everyone who wants it ASAP. As regards masks, we can argue whether they effective or not but ffs just wear it in places your supposed to, its a mild inconvenience tbf.

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And thousands of 80 year olds died because of govt and st Tony incompetence but you don’t see AGS walloping them

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@mikehunt is only upset because his ‘Alt Left’ pals have been called out for their intent to cause violence in Dublin yesterday.

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You still blaming ANTIFA? :smiley::smiley:

I’m not making the decisions. They eased restrictions for a few hours before Christmas and a thousand died in January. I’m guessing they think it’s not safe to open. A lot of Europe have some sort of restrictions in place so it’s not just us. Ireland is not in lockdown, never have been. Borders are open and always have been.

We can understand why you are upset, but I am in agreement with the Garda Commissioner on this one.

If you choose to believe your ‘Alt Left alternative facts’, and go against the department of justice and the Garda Commissioner, thats fine.

You’re applying theory to real world situations …the Gardai had a line ,things escalated with the firework and they moved as a line …

You’re talking gibberish.

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