Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That’s presuming you’ve a fully functioning health system. If a health system gets overwhelmed then those numbers go a lot higher I suspect. Thankfully this hasn’t happened in Ire although Jan prob was a close-run thing

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Massive crowds in the Phoenix Park guys. Expect deaths

Large crowds of people congregating around the country in the sunny weather.

The people have decided what level of restriction is right for them.

The right wing headbangers are circling the wagons

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I’m hearing worrying reports from Israel.

How the hell are cases rising again there?


@codegreen enjoyed his first protest taking out his own man in all the excitement.

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The HSE have banned the handshake forever. Hugs may be permitted however.

Are people getting sick though?

Some sort of restrictions but not mass closer of businesses, restrictions around number of people in a place, mask wearing etc but we have had the most restrictions. The borders are open as you said but you get a fine for going near the ports or airports a defacto ban on travel. Saying thousands died because of opening up over Christmas is a sweeping statement, January typically as the most deaths per month, again the same demographic most effected by covid are the ones who die the most in January.
If you look at where the deaths occurred they are predominantly in HSE controlled environments. The HSE have never been able to control any infections. The data shows that the indicators the goverment go on deaths hospital numbers and ICU numbers all rised due to the HSE being a basket case. Yet Joe public get the blame for going for a walk outside 5km, people coming from abroad (accounting for 1% of cases), students, etc are all to blame. Can you see why people are passed off and questioning the restrictions and goverment message?


More lies. Stop sharing these

Was Leo having cans with the lads again

Out for a big spin on the bike there. Passed a large number of rural GAA grounds. Places were buzzing, kids in every goals, kicking and pucking. Parents chilling, enjoying the sun. Squad car outside one with the local seargent hanging out the windows ating a supermacs burger and shooting the breeze with the local gentry.

Would warm the heart. Normality is seeping back.


What’s the reason for this do you reckon?

That’s a fair point.

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It’s bizarre and utterly ridiculous that people keep forgetting this.

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I was there earlier with my kids. Plenty of other dads were down there with their own kids having a kick and a puck around.

It’s great, for the parents and the children.

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I’m just back from a lovely afternoon in beautiful middle-class Greystones. It was a very eye-opening experience. I felt like David McWilliams spying out Naas.

It was absolutely jammed, to the extent that it would have been almost uncomfortable even if there had been no pandemic. The whole town was out on the streets and everyone there seems to have a young family. All the toddlers have scooters so the parents meet up and watch the kids scoot around. That’s the scene in Greystones. The beach was jammed too. I had no idea that greystones had such a long and perfect beach, what a hidden gem. They also love walking their beautiful dogs, and I say dogs as opposed to dog because most of them seem to own two. All the restaurants were all open but all serving take-away meals. I got a take-away from the Happy Pear and we ate it by the sunshine at the beach. Then we got a few take-away bottles of wine and had them too. We saw one of the Happy Pear twins. I wondered aloud if it was the one who cheated on his wife with a transition year student.

If there isn’t a massive spike in cases in two weeks time then coronavirus is all a cod.



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