Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Park in Mungret was rammed today as well. They closed one of the car parks because of the crowds but left the other one open, so you had one car park sitting empty and the other one absolutely rammed with cars abandoned all over the shop. It was a particularly Irish solution.


That’s all fine but some of these are the exact same people who will say that we need to keep the restrictions.

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Just FOAD you tiresome boring cunt.

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That’s the issue.

It’s more the optics for them.

@carryharry on here probably acting the puritan but out breaking the regulations every day of the week himself.


Hello mate.

Nearly there lads

The blade on rte is after announcing that experts advise getting out and about to help mental health.
Experts were on the side of the people all along it seems

They’ll pivot in front of the nodding dogs.

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He should tell that to the gardai who were hunting all of the people out enjoying the sunshine away from the canal earlier.

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Pull on the anything that moves as they say in the hurling world

Bit of a strange one. Someone is after putting up posters all over Marino/Fairview of what seems to be the bloke in the white hoodie that let the firework off at the Gardai yesterday on Grafton st. Printed photographs of him in ‘action’ at yesterday’s march with captions saying 'why won’t the Gardai arrest this man? These posters are everywhere in the area.

It’s doing the rounds on Facebook as well

Is there a suggestion of a false flag :joy::joy:

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Could be. It’s hard to make much sense of the posters

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Chomsky himself would have been proud of that

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Agent provocateur. Is there groups in ireland that organised to do this? It was common during the blm in the states to label the marches which were peaceful as a riot.

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And then called annoying right wing arsehole journalist Michael O’Regan an annoying right wing arsehole a little while later. :joy:

Only way to put them back in their box. Ewans a national treasure

Next time you’re out that way in the sunshine, do the greystones to bray cliff walk

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