Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Yeah, and weekend before the one just gone, that creep Philip Nolan got a hostile reaction across the board for doing the weekend “news in review” radio shows and telling us what kind of restricted summer we could have. Most people telling him to take his views and shove them up his unelected hole.


Some experts see defeat on the horizon and have begun playing for a draw. Others clinging to the Brazilian variant as their last hope. They’re being met online with close shave and waxing lyrical puns…the Californian may become the connoisseur’s variant of choice

The Nigerian variant is the only game in town.

There are definite flaws with Antigen but clearly potential benefits too.

Either way, Tony Holohan (who is clearly against them) informed an Oireachtas transport committee in early Nov that there was a study into them under way. The fact that 4 months later that study hasn’t concluded (one way or the other) is a testament to the inaction from NPHET/DoH at times that they’d be extremely quick to call out in other bodies when it suits their needs.

I actually wouldn’t put that one on the politicians - that’s just the Dept of Health either purposely slowing something down or incompetence in completing a study quickly


What are the pluses and minuses of the antigen?

Off the top of my head:


Cheaper (although if you need a medic to swab this narrows quite a bit)

Quicker (results within 20 minutes)

Doesn’t require a lab so well suited to locations away from labs

Easily transported


Not as accurate as PCR. Good for people with strong symptoms but less good at catching people in early stages

Good ones still require swabbing so difficult to self-administer or need a medic

There are loads of them in the market and quite a difference in performance. Not all Antigen tests are “good” ones

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Fucking gas!!


EU to propose vaccine passports in March in time for summer

BERLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission will present a proposal in March on creating an EU-wide digital COVID-19 vaccination passport that may allow Europeans to travel more freely over the peak summer holiday period.

Commission president Ursula von der Leyen announced the coming legislative proposal in a speech to German conservative lawmakers on Monday, providing a few more details in subsequent tweets.

The “digital green pass” would provide proof that a person has been vaccinated, results of tests for those not yet vaccinated and information on recovery for people who have contracted COVID-19.

“The aim is to gradually enable them to move safely in the European Union or abroad - for work or tourism,” she said in a tweet.

EU leaders agreed last week to work on vaccine certificates, for which southern countries such as Spain and Greece are pushing to unlock tourism this summer.

However, a number of countries say it will first need to be established that vaccinated people cannot transmit the virus to others. Some countries, such as France and Belgium, also expressed concern that easing travel only for inoculated people would be unfair.

The Commission said it would seek to avoid discrimination against citizens who have not received a vaccine.

EU countries agreed in January on the basic data requirements of a vaccination certificate. A Commission spokesman said the EU executive would seek to coordinate on security standards and help connect the national health systems.

I may be wrong on these but a few more points.

Pro: they’re now not far off as accurate as PCR at detecting positive results.

Con: they produce more false positives (but this isn’t much of a drawback from a public health perspective, it’s false negatives you’d be worried about).

Pro: they are more accurate at identifying a currently infectious person. A big drawback of PCR is that many people will continue to test positive even after they’ve recovered and are no longer carrying it.

I alerted the forum to this several months ago. A few weeks later my yacht capsized

You either are vaccinated or you get a negative test and you can fly anywhere in Europe. That’s how it’ll work this summer. Ye can start booking holidays now.

Doubt it will allow the negative testing as much.

Teachers will be demanding their vaccines before June now.


Sam McConkey will have the airport burnt down before we get to that


its alright, @Batigol will put out the flames with his flood.

sorry bati!

You can feel a real air of positivity beginning to creep in …oh wait the main story on RTE website “ 1,403 cases of Covid-19 in children in two weeks up to 27 February”… hateful bastards…


ive covered this in depth

  • Haredim
  • arabs in the north

also this weekend is Purim so there are parades in all cities and the religous fuckers are out getting drunk
cases can never come down as the haredim and arab cities are very densely populated and by and large inhabitants dont adhere to any lockdowns or rule of law in general

VAT back up to 23% today in effort to stop people from spending money.

Herd immunity surely will take care of them so?

last week you said only a country with a society like israel would implement an horrific strategy like this
i asked you what were the differences between Israeli and european society and you responsed with personal abuse and eyeroll gestures and posted some article about aid for gaza getting attacked
one week later europe have annoucned the will do the exact same thing as was obvious to any rational individual… looks like both societies are similar really if this is what you are judging them on