Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Fuck off you boring bastard.


Admins :wave: :wave:

Not sure why the snotty kids should get first preference on sport. Adult lives matter

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How do they determine a variety is twice as transmissionable or deadly? I haven’t onesie seen any workings or method just statements

A variant within a variant.
It’s actually brilliant when you think about it.


Forget it lads, you had your chance to protest and you blew it.

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You fire one firework at a guard and that’s all you get remembered for smh

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If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?


Inception covid 19 style

In Limerick we need to be worried about the Meanus variant.


I was waved through the permanent police checkpoint in Ranelagh this morning. It even has the checkpoint Charlie little hut there now.

They’ve started waiving people through in the last few days. They’ve had enough.

There’s been some perv loitering around, touching himself and filming kids in Ranelagh Park, Herbert Park and Palmerston Park. Controversial opinion but I’d rather see them patrol the park and catch that bastard that stopping citizens going about their business.

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18 squad cars and a police helicopter last night to shadow a car up and down the M50 that was allowed drive to Bray and then drive back home :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::roll_eyes:

Are we doing any analysis of human waste? It provides a more accurate picture of the level in Corona virus circulating in the community than relying on testing individuals.

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After what happened when they were chasing a joyride car on the M7 a few years back and the scrotes in the car crashed into and killed a woman driving a different car, I dont blame the guards for doing things differently and trying to be safer to other people around. If that means clearing roads away and having a load of them out, then so be it. People always moan there are never guards around in cases like this, and then when there are people still give out.


I’ve was stopped going both ways this morning

“Dropping off for school MBB?”

“Doing the school run MBB?”

Tedious existence for them.

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I’m just joshing. The fact she was able to drive to Bray and back home while videoing herself and being pursued by so many cars was quite amusing.

Then when she got out of the car and was no longer any particular threat she was jumped on by five quite annoyed policemen.


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