Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Testing human waste? Sure weā€™d have to stop pumping it straight into the sea to do that

No surprise you are known to GardaĆ­.

The lads must be pulling in some serious overtime

I donā€™t know how to put this but Iā€™m kind of a big deal. People know me. Iā€™m very important.

Be grand sure, it doesnā€™t matter what you die of as long as itā€™s not covid


No matter what you die of, itā€™ll be counted as covid.

No matter what you have, youā€™re gonna die.

Now we need to know if he is far left, far right, or just a scrote

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Wow. The Horsey Set will stop at nothing it seems.

I hope he hasnā€™t fallen over too many times since he was arrested.

They get paid 3 hours overtime, everytime they have to be tested for Covid. Needless to say, the blue flu is rampant.

God bless Monkstown Farm

Was that the checkpoint outside Martley on the Dublin rd. Try living Longside it for the past month.

Iā€™ve seen that one alright, Iā€™d say it has the Martleys boys heads melted.


Nearly there.

How close to April 5th will they release the backlog of cases and deaths?

I think the backlog is pretty minimal. Weā€™re flying it.

True, there canā€™t be too many people to kill in nursing homes or hospitalsā€¦