Coronavirus - Here come the variants

These cunts aren’t even qualified


359/14 and 9000 vaccinations

This yoke is done lads


Ooofftt. That’ll sting the nerd badly.

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One death from November in today’s figures. Body must have been in an awful state

I dunno if you’ve seen a dead body but they’re rarely in good states mate.

That is true.

He has to go @myboyblue

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Don’t be like that

We called it six weeks ago.

For today? Or for Sunday?

It was hilarious

Disappointing really on the timeline front.

1/3 of the adult population are in someway vaccinated now against it.

Are you out from under the bed for the dinner?

I’m living everyday to the full bro.

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For a minute I thought you said variations

359 cases. Can we lock the thread?

Cheltenham is just round the corner.
St Patrick’s day adjusted with the week to give us all of Wednesday watching racing… Mmmmm

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Well done NI. I’ll join the Orange Lodge in Adare if it means I get out for a march in July.

There will be no Cheltenham.