Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Itā€™s almost as if once they vaccinated hospital workers cases fell away.

The better weather helps too to be fair.

Yeah. Think Iā€™ve mentioned this before. He is probably on about ā‚¬35k-ā‚¬40k a year max in his day job.
A joke he gets so much airtime


Itll be interesting to see what happens in the southern hemisphere as they head into the winter.

Itā€™s definitely seasonal alright. It would make sense that it is.

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QAnon, George Soros now a debate with Neale Richmond and John MgGurk

This Mcgurk guy is fairly good.


Hopefully they donā€™t see a resurgence of cases, but with the flu gone - it maybe inevitable Mike.

I think theyā€™re only starting to crank up their vaccinations as well so theyā€™re going to have to be uber careful.

What exactly is Simon trying to achieve here? Cheap likes is about it.

College is a very short time in most peopleā€™s lives - some will have lost 50% of their college experience to this shite. Give them a break. What harm are they doing if they are just mixing together.

The focus should be on getting the vaccines out, not more of this absolutely fucking painful finger pointing. Iā€™m fucking sick of it.

Weā€™re close to the end. Stricter measures are not the tool we need to be deploying. Just the vaccines. Vaccine supplies. Vaccine deliveries. Vaccine approvals. Thatā€™s fucking it.

Iā€™m in a right bad humour this evening despite the news of the launch of the new Cairde Loch Garman Premium membership tier.


My God. The fucking replies. People want them hanged.

I hate the world.


Harris is the lowest form of life


Virgin have Donie Oā€™Sullivan to discuss sinister protests and people drinking the blood of children

That man wouldnt know what rag week means. He didnā€™t even go to college to tut about it from the library


I donā€™t know much about the brother so ill leave him off but Simon, Iā€™ve made my point on him many times in here.

Regardless Iā€™m so proud of my alumni mater. Students leading OIUTF. Just like the gay marriage, abortion and anti apartheid movements


Look it we all still have our jobs, we donā€™t have that horrible commute anymore, most of us have grown out of pubs and nightclubs, we can still call round to friends houses for a few glasses of wine because itā€™s not us the restrictions are really targeted at and we can order whatever we need online these days anyway so shops being closed is not that big a deal. If we have to do another 3 months or 6 months or 18 months of lockdown shur what harm. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a selfish pig who is only looking at this through their own greedy lens.


The only way to ensure solidarity in lockdown would be financial solidarity. Those making the decisions to close Businesses should receive only the PUP in remuneration. Unfortunately, they want their cake and to eat it.


Ah lads state of this

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Young Fine Gaeler