Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I see Donnelly has been replaced by Dr Ronan Glynn for the press conference

Yes, but that post was in response to morons (especially the English press variety) who continually compare Sweden to it’s Nordic neighbors as if there is some expected correlation between geography and how a viral disease spreads. If that were true Germany and France should have had similar experiences as they have a 450km land border.

Seeing as I got your attention, can you update us on when Sweden are announcing their first lockdown?

They’ve dragged Ronan Glynn into the press conference here as a shield. A series of questions about what vaccination, case and ICU numbers would be acceptable to ease restrictions on 5 April, which seems reasonable to ask given lack of specifics in the speech. Martin talked around the questions, reiterated points about waiting to see impact of schools reopening and then threw Glynn a “Where do you think we’ll be at the end of March, Ronan?” hospital pass. Glynn also refused to mention any indicators and said it’s too complicated to do so.

SS like. Don’t blame me boss, I was just following orders.


@Bandage you’ll like this


With cases falling at pace nationally and worldwide.

Anyone have a back of the napkin calculation on the level of debt extending the Pandemic payment to the end of June will cost?

Double digit USC, here we come!

150m a week minimum.

CRT - Covid Recovery Tax

It’s grand the NPHET lads got a pay rise today.

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Has anyone even suggested that those on full pay should pay more tax during level 5 to pay the PUP for those who are being stopped from working for the health of their fellow citizens?

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The PUP is costing a billion euro a week surely?

We would want to pray that the aul money tree keeps going. There’s serious impact to negative interest rates and QE as well though.

Least the evenings are getting longer.

It was good of Sinn Fein to reveal the location of the magic money tree to them.

141 million in PUP payments sent out today.

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They won’t mention it now because they want to keep that section of society onboard but it is obviously coming. Too right too, it is extremely unfair that one section of society is crippled by these restrictions while another section is in a lot of cases financially better off myself included. We should be all financially crippled equally but that equality is not far away I’d say.

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Could the billions being spent on this not have been spent on reducing child poverty, cancer treatment waiting lists or waiting lists for assessments for special needs children? Could probably have had an absolute utopia here with the same cash spent on PUP


Doing it now would really have tested the mettle of the hash tag hold firm brigade

Press conference bullet point

If we Summer this one out we can Winter anywhere


Is that a per day figure or a weekly figure mate?

Easy solution to PUP, let the people back to work

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Paid on a Tuesday.

This week, the Department of Social Protection has issued weekly payments valued at €141.88 million to 473,413 people in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment (PUP).

The number of people receiving a PUP payment this week has decreased by 4,252 compared to last week.

These figures are in addition to the 188,543 people who were on the Live Register at the end of January.

All COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payments issued will be in recipients’ bank accounts or at their post office tomorrow, Tuesday 23 February.

Tomorrow will also see PUP arrears, totalling €12.49 million, being paid to approximately 38,600 people. This brings the total amount being paid out this week to €154.37 million and the overall amount since the introduction of the PUP last March to over €6 billion.

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PUP and TWSS is approx €200m per week.

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A billion?