Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Is this lad being sarcastic? Is he lampooning someone on Facebook or a politician who deserves to have a claw hammer taken to their teeth.
I’m aghast


He’s the type

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External tep of scouting Europe. This lad is playing the long game. Be funny if the scouts had cleaned up their act by the time he gains master status.

I wonder is he any relation to Carmencita - Ex Lord Mayor.

We’re all in this TOGETHER.

I’ll kill you and all your ancestors

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You can’t spell TOGETHER without GET HER

howth packed today and no social distancing

a lot of cunts tweet shit like that



COVID vaccines may be stopping the spread of the virus “almost completely” and are working “better than any of us could have imagined”, experts claim.

Dr Mary Ramsay, Public Health England’s head of immunisation, said research suggests the jabs will have a major impact on halting transmission.

Covid vaccines may be stopping the spread of the virus “almost completely” and are working “better than any of us could have imagined”, experts say (File photo)

Covid vaccines may be stopping the spread of the virus “almost completely” and are working “better than any of us could have imagined”, experts say (File photo)

She told the BBC Today programme: “There’s really very good signs that this [vaccination] is going to at least reduce infection rates across the population, and hopefully… prevent people passing it on almost completely if they’ve been vaccinated fully.”

But Dr Ramsay stressed that it is not yet known how long this immunity might last, and “whether that will be enough to stop the infection spreading more widely in the population over time”.

It comes as a huge boost as the government seeks to keep infections low to thwart the emergence of new variants.

While studies show that the current jabs prevent hospitalisations and deaths, there are fears that the virus could mutate more easily in high circulation - and potentially render vaccines less effective.

But results from a new study conducted by Cambridge University released last week found that the Pfizer jab appears to slow the spread of the virus as well as protecting against serious symptoms.

Addenbrooke’s Hospital, in Cambridge, tested staff regularly for the virus from the moment they started rolling out the jab in early December.

A month later, swabbing showed 17 in 1,000 unvaccinated staff were testing positive in mid-January, compared to just four in 1,000 staff who had received their first dose.



It supports similar findings from Public Health England’s SIREN study on healthcare workers aged under 65.

The data, published last month, showed that one dose reduces the risk of catching infection by more than 70 per cent, rising to 85 per cent after the second dose

Professor Devi Sridhar, of the University of Edinburgh, today said that vaccines were working “better than any of us could have imagined”.

She said: “This is world-changing in terms of having these vaccines as a way out of this pandemic.”

It comes as Matt Hancock today claimed that freedom is on horizon" and said the UK was on track for all adults to be jabbed by July as vaccines will be ramped up this month.


The 35 areas where Covid cases are rising - check YOURS now

Hospital admissions were falling faster than new cases, he confirmed today.

The halving time of hospital admissions is now at 18 days - but for over 80s it’s 12 days as so many have been jabbed, he said.

He said: “This is real world evidence that the vaccine is protecting the NHS and saving lives.”

OUTOGETHER :scream: is this a code we’ve just broken?!?!?!

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I was out for a walk and other people were out for a walk also. I called the Guards


I was in Centra today and ordered a chicken roll. It was around at that point I noticed there was some cunt behind the counter putting chicken into a roll. I called the guards


I am enjoying the outrage on Twitter with college court gate :joy::joy::joy:

It’s sad to see young fine geal types licking up to the media. It’s even sadder to see 20 year olds not enjoying these times and condoning their class mates.


I suppose if you can come out with the former, you’ll easily believe the latter

Students doing what students do, what we all did. Good for them, enjoy life ffs and hope they are not going to visit aging grandparents next weekend. You’d imagine they wouldn’t be as they are third level students and at least half educated.


Simon Harris is everything that’s wrong with modern men, modern social media and modern politics all wrapped into one creepy fella.


There will be pressure on the college now to “take action” and ruin some students’ lives over this, just to appease the holier than thou brigade on twitter. It’s pathetic what is happening in this country.