Coronavirus - Here come the variants

A man with the strength of two horses.

Far from it.

What an utter shower of cunts

I had to download the rte player to watch that piece… You’d think rte would get with the times and put interviews up on YouTube. McGuirk was grand, few lads here ott with their cheerleading. For me, Richmond and RTE got their message out - far right simpletons. While lads here wanted to hear what McGuirk was saying, the casual watcher has been brainwashed by RTE …


McGuirk is the worst messenger as even if he has valid points on this issue it’s easy to discredit him due to his past activity/ associations which are very much out of line with the mainstream commentariat.

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That’s how Ireland works… It ain’t the message, it’s the messenger.

Dunno, that burger-headed lad is one of their better speakers. Johnny Arse made clane shit of him and the interviewer. He should tone down on the outrage though. He was getting a bit TFK at one stage which is never a good look.

You’d probably include his anti Lisbon stance through Libertas in there, David Cochrane managed to get that “stain” off him though.

I don’t know how normal ordinary families are still living in the area, imagine leaving for work at 8 in the morning and seeing the road after the night before or fireworks in the evening, it’d be like Baghdad.

Well the prevailing narrative is that OUITF is being driven by the ‘right’ - the far right in terms of the protestors, and the economic right in terms of people wanting to kill grannies to make a quick buck.

In reality, ‘big business’ is doing well out of lockdown and most higher earners are doing ok as evidenced by the robust income tax receipts. It’s the lower earners in precarious employment who are most at risk. The true working class, not the Bernard Shaw Twitterati.


You can’t consider them here.
Lads having cans in groups of 200+ has to be the priority.

Those godhelpus cunts that can’t afford to live somewhere else are the last people that should be considered here, they obviously deserve everything they have to endure

A bit harsh but hard to disagree.

30 years of age, and firing fireworks at the Gardai. Fucking lepjack.



He’s accused of “possession of glass bottles” too according to Paul Reynolds


Is Monkstown a posh area?

Parts of it are rough relative to surrounding area. The area the accused lad is in would be regarded as rough enough.

He has a history of being harrassed by the police

“Hurled abuse at Garda”.