Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Haven’t we all.

No, I cant say I have.


Is it like when Ross O’Carroll-Kelly claims Sallynoggin is in Glenageary?

More evidence of the suppression of valid evidence because it doesn’t fit the establishment narrative. Wake up people!

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FFS sake. It’s like Communist China.


That’ll learn em

2000 words seems short.
I’d have made it 10000 words. And they’d need to make sure it was of a passable standard too

Monkstown itself is full of old money and would be very well to do.

Monkstown Farm is basically another area that was built with mostly local authority housing. It was quite rough back in the day but wouldn’t be considered like that now, with it quite gentrified. Scumbags are scumbags though no matter where they’re from.

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I’m sure these students could head off to China so and participate in their education system

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Good grief

Sad to see critical thinking departing the country.

Lads wonder how fascism and communism or the Catholic Church took over.

Create fear. Create a single narrative. Punish any perceived transgression by social ignominy, humiliation and ultimately penal sanction. Normalise a loss of civil liberties in the name of the collective.

There’s no mention of Covid in that Code of Conduct - they are being punished without any due process for “endangering others”.

It’s easy tell the lads on here who would have been the first to sport the Swastika pin in Munich in 1932 while they smiled and told people not to be ridiculous about where it ends up.


Will RTÉ get a royalty fee for each play?

Outside of Phil Hogan Its quite extraordinary how politicians who went to the golf event in Connemara are able to keep their livelihoods with the party whip restored recently and business as usual but then contrast this to calls for “extreme measures” in the words of Simon Harris for UL students who’s hopes of a livelihood are being played out in the court of public opinion. I have heard expulsion being mentioned as a possible sanction but just what Harris means in terms of extreme measures is anyones guess. There were arrests and 1 person already has a date in court. I wont hold my breath on anyone seeing the inside of a court room for the going away party in Montrose or politicians golf event in Connemara? Students have had a rough time of it during this pandemic. These are their formative years. Student nurses should be paid. And perfectly healthy students should not feel they have to live like hermits for the duration of their college experience.


Where did he say this?

What will the mood be like in Dublin airport this summer do you think ? Will the cops and prime time still be on the premises or will they be crushed early in the first stampede?

If vaccinated pensioners are allowed head off on holidays while 20 year olds are locked up I’d expect the Airport and Montrose to be set alight.

He mentioned it on the radio a while ago.

edit: he means expulsion as a measure