Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Presume the likes of Spain will be itching to let anyone with test in to get things going again…

They will. Negative test or a vaccine and you’ll be welcomed to Southern European countries with open arms. There will absolutely be tourism and sun holidays this summer for anyone that wants them.

I would imagine there won’t be expulsions.
They’ll get a formal warning of some description for breaching the code of conduct. They might have to write an essay like their peers in Galway.

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I think so but will RTE be putting all their energies into shaming those who do go abroad? It will be too irresistible for them to ignore, a story of someone bringing virus back from there will send people into a frenzy…the 3 Brazilians had everyone ducking for cover …

Yeah I’d expect it’s a priority for them to reignite tourism. There’s already plans for vaccine passports at EU commission level to allow travel

Yeah but I doubt the Spanish will want to wait for vaccine passports ,too much at stake for them to be overly bureaucratic and they need to get up and running …the test will get you in but wonder how our lot will deal with this …

I’ve a bit of time for Helen macentee tbh and in fairness you could hear her sighing on pat Kenny earlier this morning.
“eeeh Helen macentee the nation is shocked and no doubt social media is recoiling in horror at these horrific scenes of a super spreader event in limerick last night…what are the gardai doing to prosecute these out of control youth”…

“yeah look they’re young people pat, this is a crazy time for them…”

" say that Helen macentee to the front line staff and those struggling for breath on their death beds across the country… "

Is Si Harris (cc @Ralphie) still popular amongst the “Oh my God, I just felt so much more safe and reassured when Leo was Taoiseach and Simon was Minister for Health” brigade?

Or have people tired of him?

I deeply regret a phase I went through last spring where I sarcastically championed him.


We are already part of the European traffic light system for travel so the rules are already in place. Most of Europe is red at the moment but you can imagine it’ll be orange or green come summer. I think these concerns will fall away once a couple million people are vaccinated, it’ll be a different world and attitudes will change quickly.

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Yeah the amount of vilification and hysteria that is in Irish society these days is truly toxic.
Missing vaccine target last week by such a wide mark pales into comparison to the scenes in college court if you were to pay attention to the Irish media who want their pound of flesh at any cost. What ever happened to moderation.

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The restrictions won’t finish in Ireland until George Lee has ran out of place names to name variants after.


He’s moving on to townlands next …the bardalahashill variant will be hard bate

Isle of man gone back into lockdown.

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I saw a couple of conservative soup taking cap doffing knee bending posters giving out about this earlier …they’d want to be taking a long hard look at themselves


That’s just wonderful.


As one of Neale Richmond’s constituents and a person who voted for him he was absolutely owned there and will be on the wrong side of history on this.




I’d imagine travelling will be a no go this summer unless you don’t have to work.

Mandatory quarantining will probably be in effect after you return home unless you’ve had the vaccine.

I think you were precluded from working from home this summer too if you had travelled abroad so you’d effectively have needed to take 2 weeks leave on top of what your holiday was.

Gerry Killeen was pinning a lot of his hopes on the new murderous Brazilian variant.


Heres the problem. I thought that was excellent so looked up who posted on bitchute and the first video I cam across was openly anti Nigerian and the 2nd was some rant from Dee Wall. The scumbag mentality is never far from the surface

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