Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The furthest I ever got on a stag was Belfast :rofl:

So right now @glasagusban is saying you can hop on a plane with little bother and go on a holiday to Iceland or Norway?

Incredible city.

Iā€™d love to back in the Harp Bar this weekend watching bouncers get nutted by drunken mid 40s women.

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Even if travel is possible in the green zone RTE will ramp up the outrage and treat people who travel like pariahs. Same as last year.


Anyone that thinks you will be allowed travel willy nilly this year, green zone or no green zone is deluded.

The govt do not want mass travel this summer so will put in place all the barriers. As mass vaccination comes around we will probably see things loosen up a little. Weā€™re not going to have that mass vaccination figure until probably the end of Sept so they will be happy to ease up on restrictions a little then - teachers will then strike as they want to have foreign holidays and werenā€™t able to have them in summer.


@glasagusban is a mindless EU stooge with the vast majority of his replies boiling down to ā€˜but but but but the EU saidā€™.

Heā€™s representative of the unthinking gombeens in the civil service who wouldnā€™t cut it in private enterprise.

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I agree itā€™s naĆÆve to think travel will go back to where it was last summer. If you look at the countries in Europe that did best in terms of keeping the infection rate and death rate low (Norway, Finland), they closed their borders and implemented strict quarantine measures early days and have kept them in place. Whether this is the primary reason they have low numbers is irrelevant, the perception is that these measures work (sure look at New Zealand and Australia) and itā€™s hard to argue they donā€™t.

The caveat of course is that people who are vaccinated (or have a positive antibody test so had Covid at some point and recovered) will be able to travel and as that number grows, the numbers travelling will increase significantly. The caveat to that is the incessant panic over new strains, but that should abate if people who are vaccinated are not getting sick even if they encounter new strains.

I would say one of the big takeaways of this crisis is how utterly useless the EU have been, fuck all help for Italy when it was in crisis last March/April and now the vaccine roll out shambles.


Yep , this is how I see it playing out ā€¦


Itā€™s going to be a slow burner. Itā€™s ridiculous to think mass travel will take place in summertime. From autumn onwards, if the vaccination is successful then it will gradually ease restriction but I think any sort of hopes of travel restrictions loosening up properly are probably Mar/Apr 2022.

In the meantime we should be focusing on some kind of domestic normality with things opening up at home.

Iā€™d worry about the vaccination rollout here.

We are 4 weeks away from having 200-300k vaccinated on a weekly basis and last week they fell 20% short of their 100k target.

Supply issues is the govt excuse for the vaccine failure, variants is their excuse for the policy failure and failure of the health service.

The govt are going to be under serious pressure come June if they have not hit those vaccine targets of 80% and 60% on 1st and 2nd doses.

And rightly so

The EU has been a hindrance from what I can see.

Do you know what % of the adult population in NI have been vaccinated? I think it was 20% of the total population in mid February.


What do you think they should have done with Italy?

Thereā€™s obviously the 12 week catchup up north for the second dose but itā€™s good going all the same.

I asked earlier and have not had it clarified yet but how are they doing the 2nd jab of AZ in the 26? 4 weeks like Moderna and Pfizer or 12 weeks like they recommend the AZ one is best at and they are doing in the UK and up north?


How do you think Ireland would have gotten on in a free for all bidding for vaccines against Germany?

How have other wealthy nations fared going it alone?

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Oooooft, thats a lovely clip from Robbie.