Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Surely it would be happening all over the world?

I found a paper written in UCC in January about it. Nothing outside Ireland.

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If they believe there is an increased risk of stillbirth then surely pregnant women should be considered a priority vaccination group.

Without clear evidence It’s very unfair to report this and cause undoubted stress and worry to pregnant women.


I thought pregnant women and women attempting to get pregnant are excluded from vaccine program.

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When has that ever stopped them? Variant fear is like heroin to them lately


That’s putting it mildly.

Disgusting. Reprehensible.


Pregnant women were included in the last category of people who should be vaccinated.

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If he’s not sure surely do not just throw it out there
If as someone says above no reference to it in any other countries then this is either a genuinely localised issue (would think unlikely)or scare mongering

Imagine any pregnant woman is very very frightened now.

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A proper journalist should be asking Glynn about this and to back up what he said this evening.

I hope you all piled in on that tweet.

You got it in one. If it turns out it is something and they sat on it, there would be uproar. Same lads lambasting them now would be out with the pitchforks lambasting them about dead babies.

It’s also outrageous to mention these four deaths and then not mention that most of the deaths had underlying conditions and were very elderly.

It really does seem they are interested in their worry index.

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That’s just not true. They have to be led by data and science. They can’t float a story/anecdote that can in itself cause more harm especially when UK studies contradict what was said this evening.

If they thought there was an issue they could advise doctors to advise the people under their care of the potential risk in a controlled clinical setting where a pregnant woman can ask questions and be reassured.


Ah I actually do think it’s bad form. Especially if not a big issue in other countries

How is warning pregnant women there may be an issue causing harm? You’re bonkers.

For starters, Stress and worry is proven to increase stillborn risk.

There’s no data to justify what was reported.


Yeah this paper is the first time the words covid placentitis were ever mentioned. It’s an Irish invention.

Why did no-one else in the world ever spot this? Why did they only spot it now and suddenly there’s 4 at once?

Calm down. You’ll give yourself a stroke with all this wailing. They’re just telling pregnant women to be careful until they find out more.

Hmm… this seems to be Dr Laura Lenihan who wrote that paper and first coined the term covid placentitis. The first thing that pops up if you search for her is her lovely wholesome Instagram which she updates regularly. The 2nd thing you find is this newspaper article from March 2020 about how frightened she feels to be pregnant during a pandemic. Hmmm…


I’ve been calm all along. I’m not the one who got hysterical and screamed in his mother’s face.