Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Thomas Brady vindicated.

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This is all costing an absolute fortune and Iā€™m still not sure where itā€™s all going to come from.

The way the opinion polls are looking itā€™s going to be Mary Lou who will have to sort it out.

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Itā€™s over, we have lost. California just passed legislation today to spend $6.6 billion on convincing teachers to go back teaching. Two (2 billion dollars) of that is going to administrators, who have been sitting on their holes for a year fully paid for doing nothing, to try and convince them to convince teachers to go back into the classroom

We are truly fucked.


Flesh that out a bit, whats the money being spent on?

Itā€™s a fucking outrage that they came out with that shit yesterday. 4 cases, that havenā€™t been verified by coroners, in the whole country in 12 months and no evidence that this has happened anywhere else. Imagine the fear that has put in expectant mothers.


And yet there will be no mention of the risks to fertility of the vaccine. Before anyone jumps down my throat, of course there is no evidence of fertility risk with this vaccine due to the fact that it is too early to know but there is enough medical evidence to suggest it canā€™t be determined either way until it has been tested over a period of time.
Iā€™m not anti-vax. Iā€™m delighted my elderly parents can avail of it but young healthy people would want their headā€™s examined if they took it.


There are approximately 300 stillbirths per annum in Ireland.

You can report it or you can bury it,

Is this just happening or being reported in Ireland?

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Good luck

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I posted above that I canā€™t fund the term covid placentitis ever being used outside Ireland or before a paper by celebrity Irish doctor Laura Lenihan that was published early this year.

I know theyā€™ve fucked up when @Fagan_ODowd is annoyed

Serious question, I dont want to sound crazy - is there any chance that Dr Laura lenihan or Dr Brendan Fitzgerald will perform these autopsies? Who performs autopsies normally?

So these stillbirths linked with Covid are being reported only in Ireland?
Thatā€™s bizarre if true

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The UK noted a slight increase in stillbirths last year and said it was nothing to do with covid. Thatā€™s the only other reference I saw to it. Surely if itā€™s happening itā€™s not just in Ireland.

I took to googling last night too. A few articles about the effect of lockdown on stillbirths - virtually nothing on Covid itself.

Weā€™ll look back in forty years and laugh at how gullible we were.



Surely 1000 lines would a better punishment - ā€œ I must not ā€¦ā€

I did a quick Google yesterday and thatā€™s all I saw too. Surely some journo will have heard that yesterday and thought enough is enough.

Now that you put it that wayā€¦

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Or you can wait until the facts come out rather than speculating on something so hurtful

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So under 1 per day and what time period covers the 4 reported linked to covid?