Coronavirus - Here come the variants

@myboyblue says something similar was reported in Brazil last year. I just don’t get how in this country we have a named condition that we’re warning the public about and no other country in the world gives a shit.

This is the first mention of the term covid placentitis I can find.

You’ll see the authors are Drs Laura Lenihan and Brendan Fitzgerald so I assume they’re Irish doctors.

When I Google Dr Laura Lenihan this is what I find, from March 2020, talking to RSVP magazine about the risks of covid to expectant mothers like her…

Why was she in rsvp magazine? Who is she? Why was a gp performing examinations on placenta?

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Its an Irish variant that also forces you to bury it in a septic tank. Often goes unreported for 50 odd years.


He took hes time on twitter listing this out. He put a lot of thought into it

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I’m not actually annoyed. I was just trying to put some context on it. RTÉ reported that there were 4 stillbirths where Covid was potentially a factor and left it at that. They could have added that there are 300 still births a year and 60,000 births a year but they didn’t and left that number of 4 sitting out there leaving people to draw a conclusion as to whether that was a lot or a statistical irrelevance.

Part of me would be in the @backinatracksuit camp here in that if there is an issue they should report it but equally it could be just speculation. It is odd that it has been picked up nowhere else in the world.


It was 20 steps last week

If 50 people died who had gotten the vaccine rte would bury it quickly. They wouldn’t be putting it on the news as a worry.

A handful of people died following the vaccine and RTE were straight off the bat clarifying that it was from unrelated natural causes.


Lol classic rte but yet they couldn’t split covid deaths and people who died with covid from the past 12 months of course.


That is inevitable when you are dealing with people in their late 80s

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Calm down you big fanny. Lads going mental over medics warning expectant mothers to be careful.

Saw that earlier, comments closed in case you could call out the bullshit.

You can draw the same correlation to covid deaths and dying of natural causes, considering the age and health of the person. A majority of people who have got the vaccine in this country are elderly and most likely died of natural causes unrelated to the vaccine but without the vaccine under the same circumstances it was a covid death. No consistency in report. Its all narrative

The Isle of Man can’t keep to zero COVID ffs

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Ewan asking the questions all journalist should be asking

The journal has comments off to add to this

Don’t be silly.

It’s lunacy him and the rest of the ISAG are still given such a platform

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It’s absolutely crazy I can’t understand why responsible outlets are giving these people so much of a platform.

Important to keep the WI high.