Coronavirus - Here come the variants

The journals comment sector turned off for that piece.

Funny that, considering most of the mentallers who commen on the journal support his narrative

I can’t attribute any reason for it other than an agenda by media outlets. What else is there?

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It generates clicks and attention.

McConkey must be in the pocket of Brian McEniff. His solution to every problem is round people up and put them in hotels.


Irresponsible reporting is a slap in the face to frontline workers

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Samsung McClayton

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Jesus lads yer in fine fettle this morning

The rabidity on show here reminds me of 28 Days Later.

The DUP have said they’re only letting primary 1 -3 back for 2 weeks before keeping them off again. The reason they’ve given is that the health authority told them that children in that group “shout more”.
The health authority have officially described this claim as “utter bollocks”

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When they test positive, are they called flagged poles?


Can you imagine the shouting that goes on in a Unionist school.

Miss can I go to the bathroom?

Little Girl; “Tag your it Billy.”
Little Billy punches the girl in the face and runs off screaming NO SURRENDER



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Good post. I heard a bit of Fergal Malone, Master of the Rotunda, on the Claire Byrne Show this morning. He pointed out that there is a difference between causation and association, and that a woman with COVID-19 experiencing the tragedy of stillbirth doesn’t necessarily mean it was due to COVID-19 itself. Same applies if the autopsy shows COVID-19 in the baby.

He mentioned those other statistics too about the overall numbers each year to put wider context on it. He wasn’t dismissive of the story, just providing some background and reassurance.

Maybe Ronan Glynn could have done that last night at the Thursday press conference, which I admittedly didn’t see (cc @mickee321).

But I understand the question initially arose because the press release yesterday reported the age of deaths ranging from 0 to 97. It gets back to this whole “notifiable disease” issue, doesn’t it? COVID-19 is a notifiable disease and Ireland seems to have adopted the policy whereby anybody (even those with other illnesses) that dies having tested positive for COVID-19 is regarded as a COVID-19 death. They seemingly have applied that reasoning to stillborn babies too, judging by including deaths for the age 0.

They could have gone about it in a better way so as not to cause panics amongst expectant mothers though.


“ A system of permits and frequent antigen tests “

If this is good enough for Freight drivers why the fuck are they not rolling these out to the public to test themselves daily?
If infected you stay isolated.

Would surely cost less than incessant lockdowns where those with no symptoms continue to cause community spread.

People dying isn’t funny

I think this is the most obvious example yet of a deliberate fear narrative being created. The fact it is not an issue anywhere else in the world is amazing. I don’t think they are creating this fear because they are evil people they genuinely believe this is the best way to stop people spreading what they feel is a dangerous disease. It’s very old fashioned thinking in a modern era where everything is questioned online. In fairness to the cunts though its still working but surely it has a shelf life.

They counted two of those misfortunate still births as covid deaths yesterday Dr Ronan Glynn confirmed. Do Nphet know something that Imperial college London don’t?

this nonsense brings the whole thing into absolute disrepute.
I saw this morning in the indo i think where a couple of days after a few longs lads gathered for a bag of cans in limerick some a report appeared showing that as a result of a “previous covid super spreader event” involving students 32 , yes 32 people may caught covid 19.
It failed to say of these people had more than a sniffle between the lot of them but lets drive that worry index while we can

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We can’t listen to the experts in their field only the public health experts on the six one