Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Itā€™s nothing short of scare tactics. Either the completely inept HSE has stumbled upon something the whole world has missed (in probably the most intensively studied disease in history) or they just made it up.


Very interesting piece here with an in-bedded video of the interview. Apologies if it has already been mentioned or posted.


Because government and NPHET donā€™t want accountability.

Iā€™ve just googled it, Iā€™m sure many here have. There are articles and reports from all over the world reporting a rise in stillbirths contained within articles on COVID,
I donā€™t know what happened yesterday barring what Iā€™ve pieced together from here, if w medic is asked a question I believe he should try to answer it, perhaps Glynn was less than perfect in god delivery, RTƉ and other media are duty bound to report it though, imagine if they buried it and it turned out to be a real thing

Ronan Glynn was fucking giddy talking about it at the press conference.

Youā€™re posting up pieces from an upper class arch conservative British lord now?

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Are some states in the US opening back up as normal now?

Rte have pulled it from thin to air to try and scare people just like all the made up variants.

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This is a serious allegation, are you going to back it up?

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Thereā€™s no evidence of it but thereā€™s no evidence that it doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s too early to say but caution is advised. To do less would be a slap in the face.

That is correct. What exactly is your point? At least your response is more than an emoji this time.


TFK is fast becoming mainstream media. We have a duty here to push truth.


I googled it and found nothing? Even the term itself covid placentitis has no mentions. I broadly agree with you that lads here are going too much one sided on this whole issue but this type of thing is starting to make me wonder


Thereā€™s references to placentitis on Twitter as far back as 2014.

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Placentitis is a term that goes back to at least the 70s. Covid placentitis is new I think. It started in Ireland in January 2021.

It isnā€™t hard to find an article on google to agree with a theory even if you plucked it from thin air.

Iā€™d like to see a thoughtful mature discussion on this particular innovation. ā€¦one that doesnā€™t result in bullying, smart alecry and name calling

The Governor in Texas announced a day or two ago that every business in that state was being allowed open back up as normal, with no restrictions. Face masking was also no longer required.

Our group of dithering chancers wonā€™t utter that until about late 2022 or beyond.