Coronavirus - Here come the variants

When you googled it and read about it in other places did you also see where they said there was no links to covid?

We’ve included still born babies in our covid death stats. There’s no one saying they should bury it, but report it and those deaths correctly until you have confirmed knowledge. There’s a huge difference in that approach… By including them in death stats, they’ve taken it as a given that covid led, or played a part, in their death…yet no where the world over has such confirmation.


Mentioned a lot earlier than that, my Mrs heard about it last October. No relationship to stillborn babies has been established yet

That’s the 2022 look, I’ll have to order mine now

TBH it really undermines the covid death statistics. I had mostly dismissed the covid death conspiracy theory but this puts it right back into play. No covid link has been confirmed yet, that’s why they’re doing the autopsies.

My point is that you should take it as warning signal to yourself if you find yourself on the same side of an argument as a character like that.

A character like what, a former Supreme Court judge? Appointed there directly from the Bar?

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An arch conservative and opponent of human rights justifiability:

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Very strange reasoning. I try and see past the person but then that’s just me.

This is quiet a helpful article as to where one might possibly get a summer break without a vaccine. Greece is one that stood out as a desirable location that will be accessible.

It really isn’t. If you found yourself on the same side of an argument as, say, Nigel Farage, would you second guess yourself at all? How about Gemma O’Doherty?

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He is anti-Brexit, which is rare for a Tory. He’s been wildly critical of Boris Johnson through the whole thing. He wants to introduce proportional representation to the UK and reform the role of the monarch, also rare and hardly arch-conservative.

He was the most successful British lawyer of his generation. Any UK Supreme Court judge has to be taken seriously, they’re far ahead the quality of their Irish equivalents. He is also a respected historian.

As regards the ECHR, I don’t agree with him but he’s entitled to his opinion. He’s more anti-ECHR than human rights exactly. He says that human rights can end up just being used to support the orthodoxy of the day. The recent pandemic would suggest that he’s partially correct. There are members of the traditionally pro-human rights left wing who are openly laughing at the notion that you might have a right to leave 5km from your house, the right of a single person to pursue having kids or a family, the right of a single person to a sexual life, the right to a family life and visit your parents… All of these rights are being openly derided now by the section of society which used the language of rights the most only one year ago.

I have been thinking myself a lot lately that the left’s approach to human rights in this pandemic seems to confirm what Karl Marx thought about human rights, that they were just a front for preventing inconvenient people from inconveniencing the bourgeoise (inconvenient people being the poor in Marx’s day, young people who want to leave the house today or also homeless people. Look how the streets of Dublin were full of homeless people before the pandemic but now they’re nearly empty because their “human rights” demanded it).

So I don’t agree with him but there’s still an element of truth to what he’s saying and he’s entitled to his opinion. He’s obviously thought a lot about it.


An awful lot of nonsense generalizations in that. Have a look at the recent publications by the Irish council for civil liberties.

No, there is numerous articles online highlighting an increase in still births, these are contained within dialogue around Covid, but from what I see they are careful not to directly link them, but reading between the lines it’s clear that their is reason to be careful for expectant mothers.
My point is that it would be remiss of media outlets to bury this ‘story’,
If there is indeed a link which appears if not likely then at least potentially then it should be discussed, if expectant mothers might need to be extra cautious then they should be made aware of that.
You’ve had children, you know that you’re a bag of nerves around it anyway, one more thing added to the pot,

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The stories around still births say that there was no evidence of a link to Covid as mothers not infected. They don’t know why there was an increase - it could be any reason - stress, the lockdown etc.

There are stories circulating of Covid and the vaccine causing premature births but no studies or evidence yet.

Given that NPHET commissioned research about worry in population and have constantly sought to present worst case scenarios yesterday’s press conference does look like an attempt to scare people with an unverified story about babies dying and causing the Irish Institute of Obstetricians to issue a clarifying statement last night.

I think it’s naïve to think Glynn did not know exactly what he was doing when he dropped speculative anecdotes into a press briefing where international studies have shown no link


That seems a noble organisation, opposing any extension in police powers but I was talking about people I’ve spoken to personally and I was also thinking about the Left Wing on Twitter, where I’ve openly seen tweets mocking the notion of people talking about their rights during the pandemic.

And what did Labour say about the powers of the Gardai during the pandemic or about human rights in general? Or Sinn Fein for that matter? They’re traditionally fairly pro-human rights aren’t they? And traditionally fairly anti-police when it suits them?

Like I said, I don’t think Sumption is 100% right but there’s unquestionably a section of middle-class society that sees human rights as a tool to advance their interests when necessary and to be tossed away/twisted into insignificance when inconvenient. Basically there’s a section of society that wants to use human rights as a tool to support the ruling establishment orthodoxy and never challenge it.

That’s a cynical viewpoint on human rights that was central to the birth of the political left-wing in the first place, given that it comes directly from Karl Marx. I’d almost say that it’s an issue that you have to be aware of if you want to call yourself left-wing. That doesn’t mean that either the left-wing or Marx don’t care an awful lot about freedom, they obviously do.

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Linking it to deaths and covid directly without evidence is not only poor science, it verges on the source losing all credibility in the medical and scientific community.

By all means release a specific and carefully worded brief separate to the daily briefings around cases and deaths. Something done in a responsible way with as much info as possible. Not fucked in at the end of the news… Oh by the way, babies are being born stillborn and we’re including them in our covid deaths. Have a good evening…

Come on ffs.


Some chance of me getting a ride now.

Some people on twitter said something and human rights are a tool to maintain orthodoxy.

Honestly, I’m not going to bother my hole responding to that. Go on away off for a swim pal.

They deliberately stopped referencing people who died had underlying conditions.

It’s as clear as day the media briefings are being used to drive behaviour and media have largely bought into it.

Even when you point this out to people and yesterday is as clear an example as you’ll see people refuse to acknowledge it.

It’s the very same tactics Trump used where once something is referenced his supporters figure there must be a grain of truth there even if it’s not all true.