Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Ive never had covid mate or the vaccine- if everyone was like me there would be no lockdowns.

Is a 99.7% recovery rate virus really worth a vaccine passport to go to work?

12 years for the average drug patent to market


In the fucking face

The vaccine is not 100% effective, if it was then we can say that once everybody who is vulnerable is vaccinated we move on no questions asked.
I couldnā€™t give a fuck about myself to be honest, Iā€™m reasonably young and reasonably healthy, nobody in my house is vulnerable, my parents are dead, my in laws need protecting though, when my name is called Iā€™ll show up, if they made it cumpolsory it wouldnā€™t bother me too much, my civil liberties arenā€™t offended, luckily this pandemic will probably pass us by soon enough but who knows whatā€™s coming down the tracks.

Iā€™d happily take the vaccine, by all accounts it can KO you for a day or two especially if you are younger. But I donā€™t want to be a risk to anyone elderly.

That said Iā€™m very uneasy about the road we are going down where our civil liberties are eroded. Do I think Mickey and Leo are trying to become dictators or something, absolutely not. But itā€™s a precedent for some cunt who might. You can see how easily an extremist politician can be elected in other countries and to think we are immune to that is idiocy. Our freedoms should be protected at all costs. They are easily lost. Democracy is a pup in Ireland. And in the world in general. In the history of human civilisation about 1% of it has been a democracy. Fundamental to preserving democracy is freedom of movement, assembly, personal freedoms etc. I think the idea that the guards are stopping people going to say the beach, is absolutely fucking terrifying


A good compromise for anyone concerned about the newer mRNA technology are the Astra Zeneca or J&J vaccines, both are based on inactive virus so are similar to what have been used for many decades.

As time goes on and millions are being vaccinated and not dropping like flies, the concern people have is abating. Back in December the number of adults in the US who wanted the vaccine was 34%, thatā€™s now 55%.

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Theyā€™re already promoting the 3rd and 4th booster in Israel. There is no end game to it.

Iā€™d say most people think the same

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This lie has been beautifully sold.
How about if youā€™re sick stay at home?
Unless youā€™re buying into the brand new science of asymptomatic transmission


Iā€™m not necessarily opposed to taking it, just reluctant to put shit into my body. Itā€™s been thrown together fairly quickly and itā€™s not like I need itā€¦ But yeah, if Iā€™ve to protect others than so be it.

Surely your masks will do that? :grin:

Total codology.

Well Iā€™d like to be able to visit my mother for example who would be high risk, without worrying I might kill her. I think the danger is massively overhyped for the general population, but it is a very real one for those who are vulnerable and we canā€™t avoid that

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My mask?

Your N95 mate yeah.

Surely youā€™re bullet proof with that - aligned with you not coughing and sneezing of course.

Unless you believe that scientists want to kill us all, then the science behind the mnra ones in particular is very strong. Iā€™d nearly be more worried about the traditional vaccines of which AZ is one @Tierneevin1979 what you reckon. Would you be happy to take it?

How about she has the vaccine and you visit away at her unless youā€™re ill?
Iā€™m being a hateful bastard I suppose, but Iā€™m alsobeing sincere. My sister hasnā€™t visited our oul fella for monthsā€¦sheā€™s waiting for robin swann to say itā€™s ok to do so. That strikes me as an utterly crazy mindsetā€¦sure she could be halfway up the glenshane pass and robin could change his mind and it would suddenly be dangerous. Safeā€¦unsafeā€¦safeā€¦all on the whim of a lad who cut his teeth running a young farmers club


I know two people who got the vaccine but have already had the virusā€¦they both are absolutely bolloxed tired and weak nearly two weeks after vaccine

That must be the long covid thing. It couldnā€™t possibly be anything to do with the vaccine.

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Nope ,they got covid at the very start a year agoā€¦neither are dramatic people or hypochondriacsā€¦just said theyā€™re shattered since the Astra jab