Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Why are people who have already had Covid getting the vaccine?

Listen here, you cunt. You do what yer man tells you, OK? That’s how this works. When you’re told what to do, you do it. Otherwise you’ll be labelled with an -ism or a -phobe.


Various forms of stupidity and egotism

So they got covid a long time ago? It must be long covid mate.

Virtue signalling.

Would you not be fcuked in intervening period?

“What about waaaaah?”

“What about oooooh?”


I would happily take the AZ or J&J vaccines. Have a low level concern about the mRNA vaccines, so if that was all that was on offer I would wait and take my chances. We have no data on long term effects of mRNA. I would be worried about triggering an autoimmune disease, that seems to be the biggest concern out there.

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Here’s the thing, maybe I’m missing something but surely if the elderly are vaccinated you won’t be a risk.

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In fairness one only realised they had covid in hindsight …like they got it the Christmas before it really came here …obviously never got test and doctor thought it was pluracy at the time

That is a justified concern re the mRNA jabs in fairness. They don’t know either way.

That means the vaccine is working, their immune system is responding to it. From what I have heard young people are very sick for a day or two after the AZ jab, older people varies person to person but a week or two feeling unwell isn’t unusual.

Covid is a very tricky customer. Remember, this is the virus that attacks people based on what side of the street they’re on, the number of people in their group, if they travel 5km away from their home, etc. It’s waited until your friends have had the vaccine, then POW! Right in the kisser.

But the entire house of cards relies on lulling people into the notion that risk is unacceptable, avoidable, cruel, and banishable
Take the current justification for lockdowns. What happens when we apply it to any contagion…sure one death is one death too many are you seriously saying that a single solitary old person must die just so you can earn a living? Which old person?

The vaccine is not 100% effective

Yeah one works in pharma industry and thought exactly that - it shows vaccine is working etc. But is now very surprised by the effects it’s had on them and the time it’s taken to get energy back …

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All viruses simply must be eradicated if you ever want to do anything again.

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If you were to take that to the natural conclusion we would never open up though?


And we shouldn’t drive cars

There’s no natural conclusion to be made there, we will open up, and quite soon.
But it’s a valid response, if enough people refuse the vaccination they’re hindering what we all want

I’m not going to lose any sleep over it, but be aware that vaccination of the at risk doesn’t guarantee anything, no vaccines are 100% effective

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