Coronavirus - Here come the variants



What do we all want? Some people want bodily integrity. Some people want informed consent. Some people want their right to travel reinstated, without any clauses or provisos.

As for opening up quite soon, yes I agree with you. But then weā€™ll lock down again. Rinse. Repeat.


Young peopleā€™s immune system fight it hard, younger you are the worse apparently. But thatā€™s a good thing. Youā€™ve a better defence

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If those things are more important to you than opening up to a society similar to what we had before then make choices that suit you, Iā€™m not looking for a row.

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Say itā€™s 85% effective. Thatā€™s grand itā€™s more than enough to finish it if we are all 85% immune. But if Iā€™m 0% immune and so are 50% of the population weā€™ll never be rid

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They need to lower the cycles on the PCR tests once a decent number of the population are vaccinated who are vulnerable, hopefully we can have some bit of a summer then

Thats about the best we can hope for.

Exactly. ā€¦but no. Iā€™ve been quite impressed at your cynical sardonic wit over this past year or two. But what youā€™ve just come off with is witheringly sickeningly stupid. How could you, of all people drink the bloody kool aid

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Itā€™s a scary road to be going down. Giving politicians/government/ police these powers is a terrible move


Weā€™ll never be rid anyway. Thatā€™s the general concensus among the leading scientists, like the flu we will have to learn to live with it.

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If everybody is vaccinated itā€™s a minor inconvenience, not as bad as the flu, easy to control


Iā€™ll let you have my vaccine kid, youā€™ll be safe twice. How about that?


Until the Casablanca or Berlin strain next year.


Right. So itā€™s those pesky non conformist people that prevent the lifting of the lockdown that makes no sense? Itā€™s up to them to placate the handful of establishment scientists that behave in an illogical manner.
Now I see.
Now before I buy into this ā€˜everyone must be vaccinatedā€™ stuff I want you to guarantee that when everyone is vaccinated then the lockdown will be lifted . Not lifted cautiously, not gradually, not with the possibility of further lockdownsā€¦have you been given this guarantee? Do you believe for a second that this is how it will pan out?


This vaccine works for this and all future mutations of the virus, right? Once we all get the vaccine weā€™ll be free to ride our machines without being hassled by the man. Thereā€™s no conceivable way we could require fresh vaccines every year, right?

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I donā€™t believe that every government in the World has collectively decided to finish their economy off. I think what has happened is we had a virus that we didnā€™t understand and we acted accordingly. But now we have a virus we do understand and we are acting irrationally. Theyā€™ve sold the lockdown so hard they are afraid to back down.
Letā€™s say there is 20% of the population at risk. What we are doing is destroying the other 80% lives to protect that 20%. What I would suggest is we let the 80% at it and protect the people who are actually vulnerable in whatever way we can.
I actually think that protecting the 80% who are not at risk has added to the risk of everyone else. The latest outrage in college court is a good example. All young ones perfectly entitled to live their lives. They should be allowed do what they want. But they shouldnā€™t be allowed to go home to at risk people.
I think that is a much more enforceable way forward. You are at risk? Okay stay at home, we will do everything we can to protect you, deliver shopping etc. You arenā€™t at risk? Have at it.
The places that are most dangerous are hospitals and nursing homes. We figured this out some time back. So imagine instead of paying people at no risk a hundred and something million to stay at home, we readjusted and paid staff in nursing homes a 100k each to stay in there till it was over. Now they can be vaccinated now so itā€™s a mute point, but thatā€™s the kind of way we should be attacking it imo. Itā€™s not a cod, but itā€™s the greatest overreaction of all time


I have not been given that guarantee, nor have I asked.
But I believe that mass vaccination is our exit. I really donā€™t see how we can continue with bothersome restrictions once that is achieved

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Lockdowns were inevitable when Chinese people started ā€œcollapsingā€ on the street mar dhea. And when army trucks were rolling through Bergamo even though it was just a drill. Still 1 year later we have learned absolutely nothing. Just further regression.


I thought the masks, hand washing and social distancing meant we were all ā€œsafeā€.

I reckon the vaccines will just be another piece added to that nonsense.

Sincerely hope Iā€™m wrong, but I donā€™t trust our government, any of the opposition, the HSE leadership or Nphet.

They continue to fail the country continously through incompetence. No conspiracy there.

They are absolute cunts.