Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Ahem. Come on now. It’s not 20%. Its actually closer to negligible than 20%
Every government in the world? Well, you dont have to look at every government, just at your own. We thought it was another Spanish flu. We all togged ourselves…now we know better, but we conform to the carryons of a few unelected incompetent dishonest profiteers…who have been proven wrong time and time again, while ignoring better examples


Lots of comments here I can just say from a household that had at Christmas a 23 year old and the missus 50, she is ok but come Friday after a week of working she is wrecked goes to bed by 9:30 Friday and Saturday nights so she’s fine for the weekend and is grand Monday to Thursday but it’s still lingering with her now I’ve been OIUTF since the start and still am but it’s a bollix of a yoke from our experience. Eldest was grand he was back out running a few days since his isolation ended in early January.


Those images were from Paris, France.

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Just mass vaccination…not mass vaccination that depends on passports, yearly or monthly top-ups, bouts of masking, lockdowns, social restrictions, the odd school closure stretching into the indefinite future?
You know rightly…


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thanks for clarifying where Paris is


There are many. At least 11, I am reliably informed. Very narrowminded of you.

Yup. And the people who called it were called callous conspiracy theorists.

If the government could manage to keep covid out of the nursing homes, hospitals and the odd fella falling off a ladder, we’d be sorted.




Well. Sure why not? They know what’s best for us

Get well soon, you seem a great man

I think something that you’re underestimating is that most people support the lockdown and support NPHET for essentially very selfish reasons - they’re scared of themselves or their elderly relatives getting sick and to hell with everyone else’s problems. Once the vaccines are in and people aren’t personally scared anymore support for the lockdown will collapse.

You saw statistics that something like 80% of 80+ year olds in the UK are immediately breaking lockdown, contrary to best advice, once they get their vaccine. These are the same sanctimonious cunts who were lecturing the rest of us a few weeks ago.


This is an interesting post I hope doesn’t get ignored completely.

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You’re a deadly man for hoisting yourself on your own petard. Sure the only justification for lockdown is people in power sharing the shite out of you. They don’t stand up to any logic.
Any half educated person weighing in behind nphet needs bating within an inch of jehovah


The thing about that statement is I would imagine 99 per cent of educated people are weighing in behind nphet. If you place weight on ‘education’ you have to at least accept that.

Educated or indoctrinated


Really? I’d say a significant majority that’s shrinking by the day…and it has less to do with education than a conservative mindset, an unwillingness to face reality and a childish instinct to push away unpleasant realities. Bit I used the term loosely, so my bad


He was the one who used the phrase. I presume anyone using the phrase means have done their leaving cert or gone to college. Not sure what else it could mean. 99pc might be an exaggeration but the vast vast majority of those are behind nphet it seems. I’m not sure am I one of them but you can’t deny reality.

I totally realise that mate with regards to the lockdown advocates especially. Look it suits a lot of people at the moment - myself probably included in terms of working from home etc,

I couldn’t comment on what 80 year olds plus are at in the UK. Genuinely, hopefully they’re keeping well. I’d say that for everyone else too no matter the age.

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