Coronavirus - Here come the variants

I don’t think you’re being honest here @Arthur

Do you not have an opinion on a bespoke forum?

Another thing I’d like explained. Fellas who are rabidly anti lockdown but who the lockdown hasn’t affected personally. They are just looking out for others and concerned about theit fellow citizens. Is this not the definition of ‘woke’ or ‘virtue signalling’?


My view on this pandemic is clear, whats yours mate?

My opinion is I’m very very sceptical about the whole thing but I can’t understand the absolute certainty from the likes of you given you have absolutely no expertise in the subject.


Good man.

Or empathetic

Some pandemic. Terrifying

Now, now Arthur. Plenty of people are well-informed and educated outside of school and college environments. Qualified by experience is a real thing.

I think it’s a bit mad that otherwise smart people seem to think lockdowns aren’t needed or justified. I’ve been critical of Ireland’s approach all through, but pretty much every country in Europe is currently in lockdown to some degree or another. That people seem to think that the likes of Germany and France and everywhere else are mistaken and misguided is genuinely bizarre.

I don’t understand how people forget that the major risk of this thing is exponential growth to the point where health systems become overwhelmed. It’s not how deadly the virus is to an individual, it’s how deadly it is when the health system is full and people can’t access treatment.

I genuinely think it’s bizarre that people have forgotten the scenes from early in the pandemic where health systems became overwhelmed. It’s more bizarre after we saw how quickly we came quite close to that point at Christmas.


It’s fairly hilarious watching lads arguing we should OIUTF because the risk is minimal etc and people should take their chances, stop being scaredy-cats etc and then saying they won’t be taking vaccines due to their worries about some undiscovered (and therefore extremely low) risk.

Maybe they’re just afraid of needles :laughing:


I honestly think that’s really silly. It’s been developed faster because huge resources have been put into it. It goes through rigorous safety assessment, even more so in Europe (the same people with concerns about safety are the same ones who say Europe didn’t approve fast enough FFS).

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If everyone was like you we’d never be out of lockdown, because we’d have no one vaccinated.

Want out of lockdown? The more people we get vaccinated that faster we are out.

You don’t want to assist with that, fine, that’s pure selfishness on your part.

I hope you don’t comment on restrictions ever again, since you refuse to assist us to get out of them.


People weren’t allowed move more than 5km from their home but anyone could waltz in to the country from known hotspots and were given a leaflet. Once out the door of the airport they could go where they liked. A cod. Not saying the restrictions had no impact but the plan as a whole was a cod if restrictions only apply to some.

Ever drink too much? Smoke? Ever drink poitin? How about drugs? Do you know where whatever you’ve smoked, whatever you’ve done lines of, whatever was in a pill came from? Know exactly what was in it?

On the other hand, you’ve a vaccine that has been through rigorous safety checks and approved not only safe, but it’s going to end this pandemic.

I’m happy to take the vaccine.

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Good man and more power to you. I’m genuinely delighted for you because I know the peace of mind you will get from it and ultimately that sense of freedom.

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It’ll be such a relief to take the vaccine and finally have the lads over for taco and margarita night.

Europe’s oldest person, French nun Sister Andre, has survived Covid-19 and will celebrate her 117th birthday tomorrow, her caregivers said.

Lucile Randon, who took the name of Sister Andre when she joined a Catholic charitable order in 1944, tested positive for coronavirus in her retirement home in Toulon, southern France, on 16 January.

She was isolated from other residents, but displayed no symptoms.

Asked if she was scared to have the virus, Sr Andre told France’s BFM television: “No, I wasn’t scared because I wasn’t scared to die”.

I believe in the fullness of time when all the data is available and analysed without the hysteria that surrounds us currently that lockdowns will be seen as at best unnecessary and at worst extremely dangerous. We will be living with the unintended consequences of this for a decade at least


Fair play to her. All the elderly should take heed. Stop complaining and die so we can go back for pints.