Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Any educated person with a decent degree would have been told challenge every fact given to you until your satisfied its not bullshit. Unfortunately the rote learning nature of our education system has created yes men drones to recite the bullshit. Clearly journalism courses fall into this category


If you can write two sentences and post on twitter you are now considered a successful journalist.

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You have awful tendency to misquote people to fit your own narrative. Iā€™m not sure yet if itā€™s a simple unconcious case of confirmation bias or a more sinister deceitful streak. Iā€™ll give you the benefit of doubt for now but Iā€™ll be paying closer attention from now on.

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It would have happened 20 years ago, hysterical mass media outlets needing airtime, social media giving every Brenda and Nuala a voice of concern about teenagers out on the soccer field or primary schools being super spreader hotshots. It would have been simple wash hands dont go out when sick and ring this phone number for a test.

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I recently had a lovely conversation with a popular journalist on twitter told him what I thought of the fourth estate in ireland

I agree. @The_Most_Infamous is a Fanny.

Eh, I didnā€™t quote anyone. Someone posted last night that they hoped everyone died so they could open the pubs. Twas the first bit of honesty Iā€™ve seen on the Covid thread from a mentaller.

Who said that mate

The edumacated phrase? I suppose I meant reasonably well informed, nuttin more

Ah. The Karen from Facebook trump card argument.

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Oh I knowā€¦and not just last Christmas either

The lockdown is over ā€¦I had to do essential travel yesterday and places are absolutely hoppingā€¦

40 years of age was old enough to be joining a convent. I wonder what prompted that move.

All her riding done

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Lockdowns will be remembered as a disaster.

I made a near 200 mile round trip to Listowel to see my 94 year old grandmother who I had not seen in over a year to introduce her to my 1 year old daughter. It was good for the soul and Iā€™m sure the little one will appreciate the picture in time.


This might be the shiftiest thing Iā€™ve read on tfk.

In all the likely outcomes thatā€™s probably up there close to best case scenario.

Weā€™ve now opened the door to lockdowns. The precedent is set. It became literally the only tool in the toolbox and itā€™s difficult to see a path for that being undone.

So when CovidMersSars24 comes along, will we go straight into lockdowns? The real question behind that is how likely is it that politicians around the world admit that lockdowns as a means to suppress a virus is the wrong thing to do? If we really believe that politicians while still in office will come out with a giant mea culpa then weā€™re living in a fantasy land.

Instead theyā€™ll point to the completely unprovable notion that we were ā€œbetter offā€ in lockdowns despite the easily quantifiable catastrophic collective side effects of the enormous backlog of medical appointments leading to eg missed cancer diagnoses, mass mental health deterioration, surge in domestic violence, stifling of childrenā€™s education and socialisation, wide scale destruction of businesses etcā€¦


Iā€™m sitting with a dying relative who has forgotten her family and thinks weā€™ve forgotten about her as weā€™ve not been allowed to see her for a year with the exception of a few visits when she sat inside and we were outside the window.

Itā€™s a tricky one in the context of the nursing home death crisis but I know many of the residents in this care facility feel theyā€™ve been forgotten and left to die.

They donā€™t do FaceTime or zoom.

Lockdown + dementia is a dreadful combination.


Ok. Whatā€™s your point?