Coronavirus - Here come the variants

That’s all well and good and maybe it’s true but you do get that no other country has cracked that yet and that pretty much every comparable country is taking the same approach, to a greater or lesser degree?

They are all taking it to a lesser degree

The real problem is in 2020/21 you cannot admit you are wrong or made a mistake. You can only double down on your claims, shout louder to add confidence to your lies. My friend this is the Trump effect.


That’s not true.

Cuba and Eritrea are greater. :man_shrugging:

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Very sorry to hear. That is very tough. Yeah my grandmother has dementia as well. She doesn’t understand what’s going on at the moment. Can’t make any sense of it. We have a Filipino who lives with her and provides 24 hr care. She is a living Saint. She went down to pick a few apples from a tree yesterday that hadn’t been picked since my mother was in school id say and made an Appletart when she heard visitors would be coming for the first time in a while ( outside of respite help provided). Anyway I hope you are making up for lost time and your relative is comfortable.


It was a refreshingly honest post. There was no pretence about mental health, economic repercussions for the poor or concern for local coffee shop owners.

With respect, he didn’t say that he hoped that people died, he said that he was indifferent to people dying. That’s a materially different meaning. That’s like saying you hope everyone loses their jobs, instead of just being indifferent to it, which is of course your perogative.

I also thought he was taking the piss but I might be wrong, maybe he meant it.

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Lack of personal contact also makes dementia worse, speeds up its course. In Germany you can get a quick test and then visit the nursing home. NPHET have torpedoed that approach in Ireland. Germany’s nursing home deaths are no worse than ours and they should have lower rates of dementia moving forward.

Did they ever establish a reliable antibody test yet?

Surely this should be a priority and every bit as valuable as the vaccine for immunity purposes?

So the over-70s won’t be completed until the end of May. Assuming that doesn’t slip further it will be well into the summer before we’ve a significant number of people vaccinated.

Bye bye 2021 at this rate.

I reckon he was joking

That’s not entirely true. There are places with far more restrictions than us currently.

Where I think we have failed is not being more targeted, and not facilitating safe things to do outside to the greatest degree possible, and in continuing very heavy handed restrictions in summer in particular when risks were low.

Something in the war maybe

Thanks for interpreting the post correctly for me. Very hard to tell these days. There was another poster saying the Covid virus was a good thing but the benefits were yet to be seen. I think they actually believed it which is probably why I took the morgue building post at face value.

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Belfast is on the rip

Yeah I was thinking she might have been a collaborator and sought sanctuary.

Thats all the Rangers fans.

can anyone of the lock it down merchants explain two things to a simpleton like me please?

  1. once we get all the vulnerable bastards vaccinated ( by vulnerable I mean could possibly die from this , so let’s say age 72/3 plus to be super cautious and also the tiny number under that where that illness has recorded a covid death). why can’t we just open the place up?

  2. why is the date of having all adult population being used as a success criteria? what is the point of even caring if non vulnerable folks have the vaccine or not once all the people in the impact zone have been inoculated?. the major “fear” was healthy folk would pass this thing to an ould fella. if ould fella vaccinated this per Israel reduces their chance of getting ill enormously…so the covid myth is done then.I have no intention of getting a vaccine…why should we care if anyone under 70 does or does not…if you are vulnerable tho you should be obliged by law to get the fucking thing…personal fucking responsibility.

let the rest of us get in with our lives…